Times Of Swaziland: UNLEASHING YOUR POTENTIAL 2 UNLEASHING YOUR POTENTIAL 2 ================================================================================ By Charles Simunenge on 27/06/2017 09:39:00 LIFE is too short to waste time on unproductive activities. You were born to fulfil a purpose and positively impact your generation. It is therefore imperative that each one of us learn how to maximise our time, gifts, talents and relationships. Most of us fail to reach our full potential in life because we allow unnecessary activities that do not add value to our lives, take too much of our time, energy and focus. We must come to the realisation of our God given potential in order for us to unleash it. Commitment, determination, focus, perseverance and patience are key ingredients to unlocking and unleashing potential. Potential is that potent, that energy inside of us which is adequate to produce desired results. Potential is that quality in us which exits in the form of possibility, not actuality. It is the inherent capacity for coming into being. Potential is unused power, ability, capacity, capability or talent. It’s all what you can be, but have not yet become. Potential will always draw you to do better today than you did yesterday. All of us have the potential to succeed in every sphere of life, marriage, family relationships, friendships, finances, profession etc. Potential demands that you refuse to settle in that which you have already achieved. You can actually become better in whatever you endeavour to do if you refuse to be average. There are depths of innovation, creativity and wisdom locked up inside all of us. Your present circumstances should not be allowed to be the final defining factor of your potential or who you really are or your destiny. You can actually recreate your current circumstances by embracing an uncommon winning attitude and concentrating on sharpening your gifts, talents, abilities or potential. Never allow other people’s success or progress to rob you of your ability to be happy or fulfilled in life. Stay in your lane, maintain your God ordained speed, and continue tapping into the valuable untapped resources locked inside of you. The key to unlocking and unleashing potential starts with understanding purpose. Why am I here and why was I born? Our birth circumstances might be negative and our families dysfunctional, but we must not allow the rubble of our families or backgrounds to bury our purpose and potential. Without understanding purpose, life becomes meaningless. Real life is not measured by status, popularity, wealth or money. It is actually measured by fulfilling purpose. Purpose is that which burdens you and wakes up something powerful deep inside of you to impact humanity. It is therefore important to discover purpose. Purpose produces vision, commitment and eliminates competition. Vision is the mental picture of a preferred future. It’s a mental picture of destiny. Vision is actually seeing the future before it becomes a reality. Vision is what gives birth to focus, and eliminates all other options and time wasting activities. A compelling vision gives significance to effective living. Purpose and vision are catalysts to self discovery. Self discovery is key to changing the way you see yourself. Your worth, value and potential are gifts from God. Discovery of self, purpose and vision is the force that eliminates options, unhealthy competitions and ultimately gives birth to commitment, determination, perseverance, patience and focus. Since purpose, vision and potential are unleashed in time, it is imperative for each one of us to learn how to manage our time. And in order to manage time, we must first find out where our time is going to in a given day, week, month and year and then systematically cut off all the unproductive demands on our time. This will ultimately give us the ability to put first things first, moment by moment. In order to unlock and unleash our full potential, we must develop clear and right priorities in our lives. The inability to prioritise is a killer of potential. Lack of prioritising is the number one thing that wastes time and energy. Time and energy are those commodities that you can’t store, when it’s gone, it’s just gone. When you lack the sense of priority, you spend your time on unnecessary and unproductive things, while the things that really matter are unattended to. The absence of priority usually results in a life without direction, and just doing things that feel good at that moment. Prioritising is one of the keys that unlock potential. There is something powerful about you that your parents, friends, or colleagues don’t see. Don’t allow how others see you limit you. You are great, gifted and talented. Never measure yourself with others; it will limit your potential. You are who God created you to be and not what other people say. Deep inside you are bigger and greater than what people say about you. See yourself as a goldmine, embrace who you are, work on excelling in your gifts and talents, don’t quit on your dreams, and keep on moving forward. The world is waiting to benefit from who you are and the potential locked inside of you.