Times Of Swaziland: AS THE TWIG IS BENT THE TREE INCLINES AS THE TWIG IS BENT THE TREE INCLINES ================================================================================ By Bongani Simelane on 25/11/2017 05:07:00 This statement is about the path one takes in life. Lessons learned early, when we are but twigs, would impact our future, or how the tree inclines. Another way to look at it is in terms of trajectory. Absent any wind, once you launch a rock or an arrow, it would fly on the course set at the beginning. The biggest changes in the path it follows would be set at the very beginning. Even things with guidance, like airplanes or rockets, start out in a particular direction. The longer they go in one direction, the more difficult it is to change the ultimate destination. Ultimately, this statement is about children, and how they are raised. If they are raised ‘correctly’, they would do well in their society. If they are allowed to misbehave from the beginning, it would be much harder to correct their behaviour later in life. Why is early correction important? The obvious answer is that the longer you wait, the tougher it is to get to where you are going. As an example, if you are heading exactly away from where you want to go, the longer you wait, the longer it would take to get back to the start, much less to your destination. If you are in school, when should you start working on a project? Should you wait until the night before, and risk doing it wrong, or should you start before that, and get a course correction by talking to the teacher? It’s easier to change course early in the project, right? Similarly, the statement implies, it’s easier to break a small child of the habit of lying than it would be if you waited until they were a teen or an adult. The patterns they form early on in their life would be the pattern they follow the rest of their lives. It is always possible to change course but it takes more effort the longer it is left to grow in the bent form. Have you ever seen a young tree that had blown over, and then re-grown? We have one in our front yard. It is a mess, having grown from the leaned-over state. Not good, but it’s too late to fix it now.