Times Of Swaziland: POWER OF APPRECIATION POWER OF APPRECIATION ================================================================================ By Charles Simunenge on 19/12/2017 00:14:00 WE are living in a time where many of us are so self-centered, selfish and proud to the point of failing to appreciate our parents, brothers, sisters, friends, colleagues, bosses, subordinates, school teachers and even our pastors. We are all unique and different from one another, but let us appreciate the strengths of those differences. No one is really perfect, but when people are appreciated, it inspires them to become better citizens. Each one of us needs to feel appreciated one way or the other. The power of appreciation has the potential of enhancing unity and increasing productivity in any given set up. If we begin to value and appreciate each other in our families, workplaces, churches, companies and communities, there will be a positive revolution in human relations. Appreciation is defined as ‘the understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something’. It is an expression of gratitude, a feeling of being grateful for something or someone. Grateful people possess the ability to understand the worth, quality or importance of something or someone. We all must cultivate the ability to be aware of the value of people in our lives. We need to learn to recognize excellence and the good in others. Self-respect and personal dignity are qualities that usually make us recognize value in others. Appreciation, just like love, is received and communicated in different ways. Appreciation has the power to inspire top performances in families, organisations and companies because it always nurtures a healthy, enjoyable and motivating environment. When people feel appreciated, their productivity levels usually increase. As a matter of fact, when people are appreciated, treated with worth and integrity, it builds confidence in them. Therefore it is imperative for all of us to learn how to speak the language of appreciation in every sphere of life. Usually what makes one person feel appreciated may not necessarily make another person feel valued and appreciated. Certain words or actions mean different things to different people. Therefore it is important that we learn how to speak and communicate the different languages of love and appreciation for one another. In order to effectively communicate appreciation and value for one another in any given context, we must recognise individual personalities instead of just generalising appreciation. For instance, in the family context, fathers, mothers and children must be thanked and appreciated individually for the value they add to the family as a whole. Each one of us has a basic language of appreciation which speaks to us on a deeper level compared to others. The intent of the message of value and appreciation if sent outside the language of the intended recipient will not produce the desired results. It is like giving someone an orange when in actual fact they prefer and enjoy an apple more than an orange. Some people prefer words of affirmation to material things, while others prefer both gifts and words of affirmation. Those who prefer verbal affirmation are usually encouraged, inspired, and motivated when we verbalize our appreciation, telling them how much we value their presence in our lives. To verbalize is to vocally communicate your thoughts or feelings to someone or a group of people. In this season we must use words of affirmation and love to send a positive message to our families, colleagues, and workmates. This will affirm the positive characteristics and good works in them. We must, therefore, during this festive season, specifically praise and verbally affirm each other for good works and character. When people exhibit good character like perseverance, humility, courage, forgiveness, honesty, patience, kindness, love, integrity, compassion, commitment and unselfishness, they should be verbally honoured and appreciated for that. At times some people will feel valued and appreciated when someone takes time to sit down with them and just be friendly and be interested in what they do in life. Empathetic conversation or dialogue is important in appreciating someone because this is where as individuals we share our thoughts, feelings and even our desires in a friendly environment. Another way we show appreciation to others is by helping them achieve or accomplish certain goals or tasks in their lives. All of us feel appreciated when someone gives us a hand in finishing a certain job or assignment. When we have people around us who do not just want to see us accomplish our dreams, but who also actually get involved in making our dreams come to pass, it makes us feel appreciated. Sometimes in order to effectively communicate appreciation, we have to give material gifts; especially to people we know will be inspired and encouraged by them. The culture of giving to others should be cultivated and encouraged. A right gift to an individual or a family can send a powerful message of love, thanks and appreciation. Appreciation is one of the keys that can unlock the potential of a family, community or nation. The power of appreciation can inspire someone to finish this year strong and start 2018 on a positive.