Times Of Swaziland: THE NEW CREATURE THE NEW CREATURE ================================================================================ By Thembelenkosini Msibi on 25/08/2018 08:50:00 If you could remind me about an event that happened a decade ago, I’d probably remember it, particularly if it was dramatic. Drama was a thing back then. The truth is, we could hardly escape the past, in a few hours we would have lived in the past, which is why what we do now matters. The events of today will be a tale for tomorrow. It is unfortunate then that what happened before enlightenment stands. Some things we did because we lacked knowledge even the things we thought we were well informed about, we misunderstood. Listens and forgives Fact is: your mistakes happened, they were recorded and they stand. This is where redemption by the blood comes in, it renews everything concerning you. When you repent from your sins and confess them, God listens and forgives. You may think that’s the best part but no, it isn’t. God forgives and remembers your sins no more. When you become a ‘new creature’ as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 5:17, you become just that. Your old records are wiped out or rather, old data where you’re concerned is formatted from the disc it had been stored in. Why then could we not move past our past? Simple, God forgets our past, the devil doesn’t. And God forgets our sins, but the devil doesn’t. It is not a memory problem on God’s part, but it’s a love thing, it is redemption and its power. Retired drinkers If a loved one did something major to you and broke your heart, you would never forget that. You could move past it, but something would have stuck. Forgetting is where the real power lies. The past often haunts us, why is that if we are new creatures? Soul ties. That’s your answer. It’s the one thing we often overlook and certainly never take seriously. Soul ties chain us to certain things or people we’ve had encounters with, such that departing from them in thought and deed could almost rip you apart. But these ties are the very ones, which constantly pull us back when we try to move forward. To some retired drinkers, the smell of alcohol takes them back and to some, seeing the people they were once involved with incites some feeling within them that is a soul tie. What is God saying about it? Well, God is not just looking past and not helping. He is willing to help and that’s when faith comes in. God says He is able to forgive you and forget your sins; and start anew. Do you believe that? Being a new creature is so real to the extent that if you’d ask God about the girl in the mirror, who once robbed a bank, He would ask, “Who’s that by the way?” As far as the east is from the west, that’s how far our sins are from God. He forgets them but not the devil. He is the accuser. Advocate and testimony He refuses to forget. If we could employ a court setup, the devil would be the one to open a case against us, the Holy Spirit our advocate and the testimony would be the blood of Jesus that is fit for redemption eternal, including the forgiveness of all sins. It is the duty of the devil to remind you, that’s what he does anyway and if you fall for it, it means you do not trust the testimony that is presented by the blood of Jesus. That is, you lack faith. You lack the confidence and you are denying its power. To be blunt, you are disrespecting the Cross and the Trinity. If God has forgiven your sin and has forgotten it, the devil could no longer successfully accuse you of anything from the past. He could try but letting him win strips you off your protection. Being a new creature means believing God for the grace to take another step after slipping. It is not the will of God for you to be stuck in your past. And by reason that God has wiped away your sin, the devil becomes a liar and he loses in court. He loses because there is no evidence of the sin or fault that he had charged you with. If God formats everything and the devil accuses you, your lack of faith goes back to retrieve the old data, proving the devil right. That is why you lose. Brood about this truth.