Times Of Swaziland: HISTORY NEVER WRITTEN BEFORE HISTORY HISTORY NEVER WRITTEN BEFORE HISTORY ================================================================================ By LiSwati Phaca on 27/10/2018 08:31:00 History is never written before history and the contributors of history never debate and or defend the happenings in their lives. The country has just held its first elections after celebrating its 50 years of independence. In this regard, so many things may be moving or shifting around for the good or bad or a combination of both. In the minds of emaSwati, the ongoing Sibaya Meeting was called to announce the new Prime Minister, but His Majesty King Mswati III decided to open the People’s Parliament with the hope of getting some views from the public. Behind the scenes This gesture by the King has already received praises from all walks of life, others seeing it as a step towards allowing the people to choose / elect their PM and some only showering the King with praises. As a nation, we have grown up to be people who thrive only on singing praises, yet speak out behind the scenes. The King has been appointing without asking for help and or the views of people. He has always been receiving praises and now has changed the route, a turnaround indeed, and the same people are singing praises on top of their voices? Surely, can the King trust these people on their sincerity in these praises? These are the same people who have been around as the country sank into the deep ends of a financial crisis, but all they did was sing more praises and embrace reckless spending by government. These are the same people who will be pointing out the wrongs of the late former Prime Minister Dr Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini as if they were living in outer space during his time. The absence of the late ex-PM and the sudden State visit of the King of Lesotho, before the Sibaya Meeting, need to be noted with caution. Acting on recommendation The King has been with the late PM for an unbroken ten years. The Sibaya Meeting after the national elections is known to have the main agenda to appoint the PM. What does the Constitution say about the appointment? Clause 67(1) reads: “The King shall appoint the Prime Minister from among members of the House acting on recommendation of the King’s Advisory Council”. What is the Liqoqo? Clause 231(1) states: “The Liqoqo is an Advisory Council whose members are appointed by iNgwenyama from the members of Bantfwabenkhosi (Emalangeni), Tikhulu (Chiefs) and persons who have distinguished themselves in the service of the nation”. What is the Sibaya? Clause 233(1) Sibaya (The Swazi National Council) says: “The people through Sibaya constitute the highest policy and advisory council (Libandla) of the nation”. The king highlighted the huge task to be faced by the incoming PM hence the person to be appointed must fit this heavy burden. The importance of research, feasibility studies and providing solutions to turn around the economy for the better and grow it, are key to the nation. Economic issues We all know that the PM operates in a collective manner and not in an isolated fashion, as it may look or be painted in the minds of some people. He will have to work hand in hand with cabinet which may not share his views. Maybe, the request should have come before the nominations, primary and secondary elections processes so that the electorate would bring people (bomangololo babo - strong wood tree) with the full understanding of the economic issues and government operations. A super quality PM may not deliver as expected, but may sink with them on board. We may ask ourselves numerous questions and playback our minds with quality, experience and education of the ex-PM Dr. BS Dlamini had, why government financial level has reached this level under him, the lowest since independence. Government operations are surviving from hand to mouth, collecting tax even from the helpless, in a typical “Nyoni Yami Nyoni Yami wo ntsha! saying made famous by King Sobhuza II, and in the stage of collapsing. Protocol and conditions There is no question about the importance of dialogue and the role of the nation contributing in the appointment of the PM and even the entire Cabinet composition, but the modus operandi is lacking. Will people only mention names or planted to raise the said names or simply describe the characteristics of an individual that is fit to be PM this time around? Unfortunately, the Sibaya Meeting’s resolutions haven’t usually seen the light of the next day due to procedural complication lacking the e-government protocol and conditions. Well, are the contributors also aware how government operates to see the fitting PM? By the way, did the Sibaya Meeting initially include the People’s Parliament or this was just an ad-hoc arrangement to babysit the differences on the preferred candidates, caused by different interests and ambitions from the stakeholders. Time will tell and all will be recorded as to why the appointment of the new PM was shifted to a later date.