Times Of Swaziland: NO TO SEXISM IN SCIENCE NO TO SEXISM IN SCIENCE ================================================================================ By Mail&Guardian on 03/01/2019 07:29:00 “PHYSICS was invented and built by men,” said Alessandro Strumia, a senior Italian scientist, in a seminar on gender issues in physics at Cern, the European nuclear research centre in Geneva. The reason, he said, for the discrepancy in the numbers of men and women in the field is that women are innately less capable than men. He then suggested that male scientists are being discriminated against in order to give opportunities to women. More than 4 000 scientists from around the globe have signed a statement pointing out the scientific and moral problems with Strumia’s remarks. “Physics and science are part of the shared inheritance of all people, as much as art, music and literature, and we should strive to ensure that everyone has a fair opportunity to become a scientist,” reads the statement. Manglin Pillay, the Chief Executive of the South African Institute of Civil Engineering, wrote in an article that women ‘prefer to choose care or people-oriented careers, while men tend to choose careers that orient them to things and mechanics’. “Should we be investing so heavily in attracting women into STEM careers (science, technology, engineering and maths), specifically engineering?” Pillay asked. In reaction, WomEng, an organisation for women in engineering, issued a statement: “To discount the contribution women have made to this sector is a grave injustice and to reduce us only to caregivers is a travesty.” James Damore, a software engineer at Google, wrote in an internal memo in July 2017: ‘The gender gap in tech’ exists because of biological differences between men and women. He based his conclusion on ‘an evolutionary psychology perspective’ and argued that these differences are innate and bred into us by natural selection. Google fired Damore for ‘advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace’, a violation of the company’s code of conduct. Damore has filed a class action lawsuit, claiming that Google is discriminating against conservative white and Asian men. Many scientists have pushed back against Damore, questioning the accuracy of the ‘science’ he cited. Physicist Jess Wade argued that, ‘Those biases have calcified the idea that the inequities that surround us are rooted in our biology rather than our society’’. Why has there been a flurry of statements recently from male scientists claiming that women have less capacity in the sciences than men? What aspects of the history of science contribute to the persistence of these views? In 2016, I published a book about the history of palaeoanthropology and genetics in South Africa. Darwin’s Hunch: Science, Race and the Search for Human Origins explores the following questions: How has the changing social and political context shaped the search for human origins? What influence did colonialism, apartheid and scientific racism have on the search? And how did scientists’ assumptions shape their research questions about human evolution? My next book is inspired by Ruth Hubbard, the first woman to achieve tenure in biology at Harvard. Her course on biology and women’s issues that I took in 1983 helped me see the tendency for male scientists to use biology to affirm patriarchy. Hubbard stood before a lecture hall of undergraduate students, wearing corduroy jeans and walking shoes, with wispy salt and pepper hair in a braid. She showed us that there were scientists who believed the Victorian stereotype of the active male and the passive female, and that these scientists imposed their beliefs on their research, whether it was with animals, humans, algae or bacteria. Hubbard often described these scientists as ‘promoting a self-fulfilling prophecy’. As a result of Hubbard’s course, I wrote my undergraduate thesis about how male physicians in the United States from 1870 to 1920 portrayed women’s biology as inferior to men’s. They urged young women to stay away from further education and focus on their reproductive function instead. “What an ingenious way for the elite male community to keep women in ‘their place’. And it seems ludicrous to me that any portion of the population - male scientists, etc - would try to break off women as a subset of humanity and try to prove them to be inferior,” I wrote in an essay. “I realise the factor of self-interest, but discouraging competent, skilled, intelligent women seems to be against the better interest of society. Unfortunately, the frantic search for biological sex differences persists today as it did a hundred years ago.” Decades later, this search for biological differences persists. Thousands of women scientists around the world are asking why. My new book will return to this subject, which I explored as a young student. Hubbard died in September 2016, but she would be glad to know that a new wave of women scientists is pushing back against the old debates, and disagreeing with men like Strumia, Pillay and Damore. In the month that Hubbard died, Margot Lee Shetterly published Hidden Figures, the book that was made into the film of the same name, about African-American women mathematicians, such as Katherine Johnson, who played a critical role at Nasa in the 1960s. Twenty-eight years ago, Hubbard wrote: “Scientific objectivity offers no protection against prejudices scientists share with their society.” She described how scientific research can be flawed, and she inspired a new generation of women in science. Decades later, we’ve still got work to do.