Times Of Swaziland: HIS EYES ARE IN EVERY PLACE HIS EYES ARE IN EVERY PLACE ================================================================================ By David Mathse on 01/11/2019 01:27:00 “THE eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good,” Proverbs 15:3. Greetings to you dear reader, in the name of Jesus Christ; thanking the Lord for relieving us from the recent sweltering heat with the light rains we are presently receiving in some places in the kingdom; and thanking you too for taking a few minutes to read this article. I wrote it with the aim of sharing some words of scripture that should assure you that you are never alone; for the eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good in your life. Reader there is no doubt that there is much suffering, injustice, brutality, abuse, unjustified killings and other forms of evil in our world. Almost all the victims of such evil are innocent and defenseless, especially women and children. But the aforementioned word from the book of Proverbs assures us that the Lord sees it all; these evils are not hidden from Him. “For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings,” Proverbs 5. God is always beholding and thinking about the goings of man; He sees the ways of man and considers them always. No evil can escape the gaze of God; even things done in the dark are naked before His eyes. Reader, the worst evil I can think of occurred at the condemnation and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the son of God. He was tried and cleared of any wrongdoing; but the crowd cried out saying ‘crucify him’. Then Pilate asked them; “Why? What crime has he committed? But they shouted all the louder, ‘crucify him’! (Matthew 27). Then something inexplicable happened: Later Pilate said to them; “Take him and crucify him: for I find no fault in him,” John 19:6. Reader, here was the Son of God led away to be crucified by public demand outside the law. He was then beaten, bruised and nailed to a wooden cross, and died. For God “hath made him to be sin for us,who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him” (2 Corin. 5:21). But we know that ours is to declare that God was watching it all; His eyes were there; and “Behold, he cometh with the clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen,” Rev.1:7. That will be the day of the afflicted, oppressed and downtrodden; the day of ‘wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God: Who will render to every man according to his deeds, Rom.2:5-6; forgetting not the loving words of Jesus Christ on that cross; “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” The eyes of the Lord behold not only the evil, but also the good. And some of the good deeds that come to mind in my life include an event that occured some months ago in my home town, Lobamba Lomdzala, in front of the restaurant that is opposite the kombi rank next to the market. One evening I went to the restaurant to get some bean soup, and found a man of about 60 years seated on a bench, but was clearly about to fall headlong because of some unknown problem. He soon fell painfully onto the ground and started writhing in some evidently excruciating pain. We tried to raise and sit him up, but we were not winning, as he started biting his lips and frothing. The male owner of the shop came over and explained how he and his wife and others had been trying to assist the man, and had in fact called his family and the paramedics for urgent attention. He explained that the man had alighted from a kombi, had a sugar problem, and he and his wife were arranging some medication to assist him. Suddenly another unknown lady arrived with her own medication and helped the man drink it. The sick man then stopped writhing, stretched himself and started talking. Just then the paramedics arrived and the restaurant owner led us in carrying the man into the paramedics kombi and drove away in relative comfort. The relatives and friends of the sick man were not there, but the eyes of the Lord were there. I believe the restaurant owner and his wife yielded to the will of God to compassionately take the responsibility to save the man. For his eyes are in every place.We are never alone.