Times Of Swaziland: TEEN ALCOHOL ABUSE, WAY FORWARD TEEN ALCOHOL ABUSE, WAY FORWARD ================================================================================ By Mphatso Kampeni on 01/01/2020 23:52:00 ALCOHOLISM is a broad term and often difficult to define because people of different genders, races, cultures and ages have a different tolerance to alcohol. The world of alcoholism and addiction is harsh and unforgiving if one is not willing to leave it behind. Some people say addiction is all in the head, and my research verifies this. The effects on the brain from forming a learned habit are rewarded in much the same way such as eating or drinking. The reward system practically gets destroyed by the alcohol or substances being used by the influx of neurotransmitters released. With the receptors becoming desensitised, the subject will need to increase the intake of the substance to achieve their high. The repercussions of the abuse become apparent after time when the violence and compulsiveness take over. The physical tolls, including depression and illness, can be debilitating at times. The only way to decrease alcohol abuse and addiction by the youth is to educate the public. The best prevention is avoidance. Addiction The consequences of addiction and abuse of alcohol are evident in a person’s social life. The destructive behaviour of addiction affects everything from work to their personal life, even from the beginning of the abuse. From pastures to unsupervised blow-outs at home, the social calendars of most teens are full of alcohol. Other drugs rise and fall in popularity from generation to generation but alcohol never really goes out of style. From being worshiped by ancient Babylonians to being forbidden to teenagers, alcohol has caused many problems. Today drinking is the drug of choice for teens and causes most havoc and deaths. To understand alcohol people must first know its history, the effects of teen drinking and the solutions to teen drinking. Many times teenagers go to big blow-outs or little get-togethers with their friends. Their first thought is not about death, their grades in school, or alcoholism; their main purpose is to get drunk fast and sober up before going home by their set curfews. Problem Teen alcoholism is a problem that has been plaguing families and society at large. The legal age for alcohol consumption is always set by authorities, but this law is commonly broken. The fact that it is not strictly enforced has caused an outbreak of alcohol consumption between minors all over, and because of this, we have been accepting teenage drinking more than ever. The problem lies in the lack of law enforcement, the acceptance by parents and guardians, and the overall attitude of teenagers themselves. Although there are many ways to treat alcoholism, we find few solutions to be effective. The most popular problem that occurs with teenage drinking is academic, others include things such as trauma, date rape, recklessness, vandalism and unwanted pregnancies in girls. These affect their future career plans as well as any progress in society as alcoholism is the most common drug abuse. This abuse occurs in several different ways; loss of control over drinking, getting drunk daily, or drinking every weekend. It is usually marked by withdrawal symptoms and by increasing tolerance for alcohol. It is a chronic, progressive, relapsing brain disease of our times. In recent times, just by watching advertisements on television or other social media platforms, it leads teenagers to alcohol abuse, health issues or even death. With this, alcohol distributors poison the mind of the young and make them believe that drinking can really bring all the pleasures portrayed in advertisements, like beach parties, celebrations, and fun at sporting events. Many young people enjoy being able to have the feeling they receive when they drink any form of alcohol. Alcohol advertising influences not only adults but also teens and children who are too young to purchase it. Parents have a large impact on children’s decisions to drink, but marketing has a greater impact on teenagers decisions of underage drinking. Not only is the consumption bad for teenagers, but it is also unhealthy for adults. Alcohol advertisements are advertising a person to kill themselves because the consumption of alcohol will not have a happy ending. Companies spend so much money advertising their alcoholic products through platforms that almost every person is able to watch. The companies see the money in youth and continue to advertise it to gain more control on the youth, this is always seen as targeting the youth to drink alcohol. Default This is the reason why families have been the ‘default’ mode of human organisation throughout history to help nurture moral values in children to avoid destructive behaviours. The reason for this is both simple and self-evident. It is because life begins in the family. When we are born into this world, what constitutes our world is the family, in infancy, childhood and into adulthood. It is not too much to say the people we become is largely due to the relationships we experience in our family. Who each of us is, where we come from, starts in the family. Moreover, life continues because families do. We would do best to remember the inimitable role that the family plays in the health of individuals, the strength of our communities and happiness of society. Wishing you, our readers, a productive 2020.