Times Of Swaziland: STRICTLY CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IN OUR SCHOOLS STRICTLY CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IN OUR SCHOOLS ================================================================================ BY Alex Nxumalo on 20/09/2020 05:44:00 And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” - Matthew 15:9. The declaration made by Matsanjeni North MP Phila Buthelezi last week that the so-called ‘Kholwane Declaration’ will be challenged in Parliament, has certainly stirred the hornet’s nest. The Honourable MP’s contentious declaration is in connection with the former Prime Minister Sibusiso Barnabas Dlamini-led government’s pronouncement made some five or so years ago, which made it compulsory for pupils to be taught strictly Christian education in schools. This move, according to those in the know, was announced in December 2016, and became known as the Kholwane Declaration, because it was made at an area known as Kholwane. This meant that pupils would no longer be taught using any other religious book other than the Holy Bible. challenge Prominent religious bodies, like the Conference of Swaziland Churches and the League of African Churches, have drawn daggers and have made their own ‘declaration’ that, “Parliament should be ready that we will stand up against their latest resolution to challenge the declaration of offering Christian education only in schools...” Well, it seems we are certainly headed for interesting times, ahead! This promises to be an occasion worth looking forward to, since Christian beliefs and moral, behavioural patterns of some of the churches under the umbrella of the above two organisations, at times contradict the very commandments of God they claim to uphold. Take, for instance, the belief in ancestral spirits; some do believe in that unbiblical concept. I do not want to join the fray, except to draw the reader’s attention to the words of the Matsanjeni North MP, who was quoted as having said something to the effect that, “The issue will be brought back when we move the motion because it is wrong to take a person who is Buddhist and force them to learn the Holy Bible. The subject you removed taught all religions. It gave children an idea of how it is done in the Baha’i culture. By the same token, it gave them an idea of what ancestral spirits (emadloti) mean to emaSwati”He allegedly went on to say that, “it was not good that today’s children had no idea what ‘emadloti’ were all about...our children need to be aware of all religions and not be forced to stick with the Bible all the time....Yes, we are a Christian nation but we also have to respect the Constitution...” kingdom In my books, as a nation which professes to be a so-called Christian kingdom, the Bible, as the indisputable Word of God - through its sacred divinity - should, by divine right, supersede all man-made laws, statutes, precepts and human traditions, including our national Constitution. Sadly, our behaviour and beliefs as a nation at times exhibit traits that are shamefully contradictory to the teachings of the Bible. Take, for instance, the contentious issue of the alleged insistence by the MP that our schools need to teach, or rather, make our children aware of the (unbiblical) concept of ancestral spirits. The MP seems allegedly adamant that our gullible children should be ‘made’ aware of what this means to emaSwati. I and many others out there who subscribe to the core principles of God’s Word, shun this belief. I shall not dwell on the other religions he mentioned in his statement because they do not interest me at all and fall outside the ambit of my religious beliefs and doctrines. Worship of the dead, which is veneration of the so-called, ancestral spirits, is specifically forbidden by God’s Word - at no compromise. Remember, God does not change? He is the same today, just as He has infinitely been ever since before the world came into existence. God is timeless, holy and cannot be mocked. We need to be cautious of the fact that children are easily impressionable and gullible. What we teach them has to be carefully weighed in, lest we pollute their innocent minds. In my opinion, we need to be careful that we do not teach them something that will defile their young minds, especially in light of their religious backgrounds. Consider those children who come from a solid, Christian background which forbids ancestral spirits worshipping. I have my fears that they will be exposed to unbiblical concepts which teach that, for instance, the worshipping of idols or ancestral spirits is Swati, and there is possible danger of their beliefs being compromised. There is a stark possibility that they might fall into a state of confusion as to what is biblically correct or wrong, since they will be exposed to unbiblical teachings that the veneration of the dead spirits is correct, bearing in mind that their true, Christian background teaches something contrary to that. spiritually Based on God’s Word, any teachings that give reverence to the worship of ancestral spirits are as good as spitting on God’s commandments. In my books, and in light of our professed stance of being a Christian nation, teaching our children something that contradicts God’s statutes, is tantamount to two-timing God and being spiritually adulterous - a very spiritually fatal stance. If we profess to love, obey and put God first in our lives, we must religiously adhere to His commandments. Christ cautioned us that, “If you love Me, obey my commandments”. The first and most important of all the Ten Commandments contained in the Bible, ominously warns us that, “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:2-3). Now, do we love God when we will insist that our gullible children be taught traditions or beliefs that teach any concept that is against God’s precepts? There are doctrines, beliefs and philosophies God specifically calls an ‘ABOMINATION’ to Him. Any teaching that contradicts what God commands, is as good as mocking Him. spiritually God commands us in Deuteronomy 18:10-14, for example, that “..and do not let your people practice fortune-telling, or use sorcery, or interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums, or psychics, or call forth spirits of the dead. Anyone who does this is detestable to the Lord..” A person who is detestable is someone abominable, practices abominable acts, arouses, or merits intense dislike. Imagine yourself then arousing intense dislike from someone who is so amazingly tolerant, powerful and loves us as God does? Remember that our God is a very consuming and jealous God, that is, in the sense that as our Maker, He expects exclusive devotion to Him (and Him only) from His creation. Think of your position as a parent to your children: wouldn’t you be jealous if your children would worship and venerate any other person other than you, their biological parent? Come on....be honest! God is Holy. Sin is very abominable to Him. Mixing His worship with that of idols or other gods, is a very serious indictment on us and He shall not leave unpunished those of us guilty of spiritual adultery. We live in an environment where human traditions, doctrines and philosophies relentlessly take precedence over God’s statutes. The apostle Paul foresaw this unfortunate occurrence taking place in the future. In 2 Timothy 4:3-4, he prophesied: “For there is going to come a time when people won’t listen to the truth but will go around looking for teachers who will tell them just what they want to hear...” We see this taking place now at a perplexing rate. People tear into shreds teachings of the Bible, introducing a counterfeit gospel, which is very different from that taught by Christ. We unabashedly embrace the counterfeit - and introducing teachings in schools that contradict biblical teachings is the greatest travesty. We do not listen to what the Word of God commands us to teach, but we blithely follow our own misguided doctrines. Christ commissioned His disciples to, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Take note of my emphasis, that He implored those who profess to be His disciples to, “teach them to obey everything I have commanded you...” Finally, it is prudent of me to caution leaders like the Honourable MP, about the imminent reality that we need to be very cognisant of the fact that we shall ALL stand before the Judgement Seat of God (an inevitable appointment), and that we will not be judged on precepts based on secular world laws, or national constitutions, but on the commandments of god....Shalom!