Times Of Swaziland: FRUSTRATION OF CONSERVATIVES IN FACE OF PROGRESSIVES FRUSTRATION OF CONSERVATIVES IN FACE OF PROGRESSIVES ================================================================================ BY SABELO GABS NXUMALO on 26/10/2021 08:18:00 The late Chief Madzanga Ndwandwe once sat me down and gave me a very interesting advice. He said, ‘never try to be close friends with His Majesty, he can never be your friend but your King because he is libhubesi (lion). When a lion tries to play and its razor sharp claws come out, you will get hurt by mistake. When old friends fight they can forgive each other but with a King that’s not possible because the damage is too great. His friends are only his emakhosikati who also endure pain from time-to-time. Do your duty and leave until you are called again’. When you are appointed to any position, in our language it is said ubulewe (you have been killed) because your ordinary life dies. You do as you are told to defend the system (wagana inkhosi). This is the mindset of a conservative leader. Generally, most emaSwati are conservative with strong traditional and cultural values. There are many conservative emaSwati who are presently lost and are having serious mental debates and some are in leadership positions and find themselves having to defend the system. Events have moved so fast that most have not had time to catch their breath and internalise a democratic future where a multi-party government would be in power, not labadzala. Not knowing political parties’ leadership but just party names has made it even more difficult to jump ship and abandon the King you know. The fact that all these changes have come via previously unknown violence and intimidation has not helped. The silence by the King has not helped also as the instinctive nature of conservatives is to wait for the King to give direction. Unfortunately, the last few times His Majesty addressed the nation they were left more confused because these are emaSwati who are generally not confrontational by nature. The Sibaya address had played out differently in their minds, they were expecting the King to first extend condolences to those who lost their loved ones, express sympathy for the loss of property and announce the Reconstruction Fund. And in a strong dignified manner issue strong words of rebuke to the perpetrators. They expected a response more in line with the response given by Princess Sikhanyiso’s ‘sesivile maSwati’ speech. But no, as every speech that followed left this conservative group stunned. Biblical prophets Conservative emaSwati have remained silent because their perception of the monarchy has almost biblical connotations. They consider the King to be anointed by God. 1 Samuel 24 verses 5 to 7 says David spared the life of King Saul, which was given to his hand but just cut the corner of his robe saying; “I cannot kill the anointed of God.” For many emaSwati listening to the direct attacks on the King has been difficult. Their drive for democracy is motivated by moving the King out of political fire into a safe zone as a constitutional Monarch. Since prophets have entered the scene it is important as conservatives that we ask the Bible for direction. Matthew 7:16-20 basically gives guidelines of how to see a true prophet and a false one through the fruit their produce. Their language, character even dress code will tell you who they are. If the ‘man’ of God curses and uses bad language, know immediately that he is a false prophet. Sibaya The past week must have been a great relief to many conservatives as His Majesty finally extended sympathy and condolences to the victims of the unrest even though it was not from him personally. Traditionally and according to the Constitution (Chapter xiv Traditional Institutions 232) Sibaya, the People’s Parliament, is the correct place to make major political changes. This has brought some hope of normality to a lot of conservatives, however, the biggest concern is placing the Incwala ceremony at great risk of possible bloodshed as emabufto might clash with political party formations. That is if nothing is done between now and the Incwala ceremony. Some form of dialogue, maybe through Parliament, can minimise the risk. The threats against traditionalists and loyalists from progressive forces are too much. To dress up in traditional attire is risky these days. Fear The average conservative liSwati clearly knows that there has to be political change. The royal family cannot continue like this if it is to remain relevant and the progressive forces have presented a formula of getting the democracy they are comfortable with. The narrative is that if you still have any sympathy towards the monarchy you also agree with alleged killing of innocent protesters. This is where the fear is coming from within conservative emaSwati. My brother, a policeman, was recently accused of killing a student and his picture plastered on social media putting his life and that of his family in danger and when the error was brought to the attention of the media house there was no apology or retraction. The child he is accused of killing is still alive today. The fear of victimisation is so real to all conservatives. A list posted on Facebook claiming to be the list of ‘killer army officers’, with their force numbers turned out to be a list licked from a government department which is preparing things for the water party (bemanti) and these officers had nothing to do with any killings. This also means police officers who will be escorting the water party are at risk. Democracy, the rule of law We say we are fighting for democracy and the rule of law but presently two Members of Parliament are unjustly imprisoned without bail. The conservative liSwati who is not part of any political party is asking himself; if they (MPs) can be locked up what will happen to them if they dare challenge the system. Most conservatives don’t like to challenge authority and would rather endure injustice which is not part of the progressives’ spirit which says if they can’t do it legally they do it anyhow. The conservatives find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place. The way the progressives are moving gives the conservatives fear that when this is over the rule of law will be compromised through kangaroo courts as the present system is breaking the rule of law and locking up Members of Parliament with flimsy charges. I have received a lot of emails from conservatives who are frustrated, saying they wish to be part of the democratic movement for change, but when asked to publish their responses with their names they refuse. Some say we must come together but soon disappear. History will always remember the every action taken or not taken. Don’t think too much just follow the path that feels right, God is with you. septermbereswatini@gmail.com