Times Of Swaziland: UNITED AZANIA FEDERATION UNITED AZANIA FEDERATION ================================================================================ BY SABELO GABS NXUMALO on 30/11/2021 07:53:00 May I take this opportunity to introduce the future which is one of the greatest countries this world has ever known called United Azania Federation. This great federation of Southern African states will be made up of the following: Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa (South Azania), Zambia and Zimbabwe (Azania will not exclude United Republic of Tanzania which is in SADC presently). The federation’s (SADC) headquarters are presently located in Gaborone, Botswana. The Azania people were once great with civilisation, organised kingdoms and great cities but have lost and forgotten their greatness. They lost themselves in foreign cultures and practices. Foreigners have conquered and stripped us of all our greatness and then enslaved us physically, mentally and spiritually through false prophets and religions. The Azianians were divided, disregarding their kingdoms, territories and tribes; and made to hate each other, thus they were ruled and oppressed by colonialists and later their own liberators who wanted to be like the colonizers. Azianian blood has been flowing in every river within Southern Africa for many years. The United Azania Federation, like the US, is also made up of a number of diverse independent states with different laws but one federal constitution. An Azianian should be able to travel freely without any passport from one state to the next for touring, business or employment purposes. The country will have a common currency (Azanian Pula/Rand/Dollar) within one common monetary area. The financial power of South Africa, which is to be renamed Southern Azania, will help develop vast mining deposits in the Congo Azanian states (DRC Congo) and the oil fields of Angola state such that we will not need to import any oil from the Arab world. We will have oil refineries all around Azania for our crude oil from Angola. Mozambique state now has the largest deposits of natural gas and many other mineral deposits which can be exploited for the benefit of Azania. South Africa, Eswatini and Zimbabwe combined have the largest remaining gold deposits in the world. The mineral deposits within Azania are amazing and can make this country the richest by far, when working together as one people. Bantu people of Azania The people of the Federation of Azania are one, all originally called the bantu, we say bantfu. These are good people where we get the word ubuntu and these are the original Azianian people. We have a shared history from up in the north above the great Congo River all the way down to Cape Town. Azianians must realise that we are facing a great challenge as this land remains our only home on earth. The dark colour of our skin means that wherever we go we will always suffer some form of discrimination and marginalisation. It is up to us to realise that we are in fact one family, one people and no one is going to look out for us and our future generations but us. We allowed colonialists to divide us into small countries and created hatred among fellow Azanians for far too long but now ubuntu must come back. It should not be easy to kill another or look down upon another Azanian brother or sister if you know you have shared origins. The migration only happened a few hundred years ago and our languages still have similar words and our culture is basically almost the same throughout SADC. Ubuntu philosophy Ubuntu is an ethic or humanist philosophy focusing on people’s allegiances and relations with each other. The word has its origin in the Bantu languages of southern Africa. Ubuntu is seen as a classical African concept. The ubuntu cultural system was named for this principle. Bantu people migrated from Western Central Africa from what emaSwati call Embo and moved south. Tutu explained Ubuntu He stated that while the Zulu maxim umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu (a person is a person through other persons) may have no apparent religious connotations in the context of western society, but in an African context it suggests that the one person is to become one with the people by behaving with humanity, and only then is an ancestor worthy of respect or veneration. Those who uphold the principle of ubuntu throughout their lives will, in death, achieve unity with those still living. Mandela explained ubuntu as A traveller through a country would stop at a village and he didn’t have to ask for food or for water. Once he stops, the people give him food, shelter and entertain his or her needs. That is one aspect of ubuntu but it will have various aspects. Azanian royal bloodline The Dlamini, Hlubi, Nkhosi, Bathembu, Zulu, Moyo and Langa royal family bloodlines, among others, know this history very well and are not surprisingly the largest surnames in Southern Africa. The only way to defeat western influence is to restore these kingdoms as they are custodians of our rich culture and heritage. They must never be involved in politics as they remain royalty for all Azania. Politicians must be able to call upon them to solve disputes as was the case in the old days. The governance of the various states shall always remain in the hands of political players (be it one party state like China or two party state like the USA/UK) who will work within the democratic principles at all times and respecting the rule of law. Largest mineral deposits The Azania region is one of the richest places on earth with 50 per cent of most of the remaining mineral deposits. The rest of the developed world knows that a stable SADC has the potential to control the prices of the world’s minerals. This cannot be achieved if the region is at war with itself. Globalisation The most compelling reason for the federal unity of Azania is globalisation and effects on smaller economies. Globalisation is the growing interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information. This means smaller countries with small domestic markets cannot compete effectively with larger countries; trade blocks are not enough. The market is now the world and if we cannot have economies of scale to sell to the international market their suppliers will take all our local markets with cheaper goods and services. septembereswatini@gmail.com