Times Of Swaziland: ‘SCORPION’ VICTIM OF OLD POLITICAL RIVALRY ‘SCORPION’ VICTIM OF OLD POLITICAL RIVALRY ================================================================================ Sabelo Gabs Nxumalo on 05/04/2022 08:04:00 Many years ago I happened to attend a meeting which was to try and resolve a festering conflict between the late Chief Madzanga Ndwandwe and the late Chief Mdvuba Magagula over the control of land in and around Madlangempisi. This was a high powered meeting convened by His Majesty King Mswati III and national advisory councils (emabandla) at Lozitha Palace. The deliberations from representatives of both sides were long and the King listened attentively throughout all the presentations. At the end of all the speakers, His Majesty then informed the gathering that this matter had been resolved by King Sobhuza II and that he would not attempt to change anything from that judgement. He asked that we all listen to a recording by the King on this matter. As we set in silence and anticipation, the familiar voice of King Sobhuza II suddenly echoed from loud speakers throughout the building. The elderly men among us were taken aback in nostalgic shock and found themselves blasting out his traditional praises which were quickly rebuked by security personnel in the house to silence. King Sobhuza II narrated the events that led to the Magagula Clan losing control of the Madlangempisi land. This would lead to a long drown ouy hate for the monarchy through generations. The King basically told the story that the Magagula Clan harassed a group of travellers on the way to King Mswati II, carrying buganu as tribute. King Mswati II, who had expanded his kingdom from Witbank (Emalahleni), taking parts of the Kruger National Park all the way down to Jozini and Ngwavuma, was livid. Basically, present day Mpumalanga was his. On hearing of this insolence from his royal residence in present day White River, South Africa, it is said he was so furious that he promised total distraction of the Magagula Clan on his return. Madzanga Ndwandwe arrival Madzanga I, the son of Zwide, had arrived in Eswatini after the defeat and death of his father, King Zwide of the Ndwandwe Kingdom. He had been received with great hospitality by the Magagula Clan who were the original natives of the land even before emaSwati and the Dlamini dynasty. It is said they were of Sotho origin, hence their salutation ‘Suthu’. The Usuthu River had been named by them. The Ndwandwe’s Prince Madzanga I and his people had been given land by King Mswati II as they were his uncles through Queen mother (Indlovukazi) Thandile Ndwandwe (daughter to Zwide) his mother and he had asked them to stay at a place he named Bulandzeni, saying he was bringing back (kulandza) his mother’s home which had been destroyed by King Shaka of the Zulus. On hearing of the pending distraction of his kind hosts, the Magagulas, King Sobhuza II said Madzanga I immediately took the Magagula Clan leader to King Mswati II’s royal palace, threw him at the feet of the King and covered him with his own body, and said; “You will have to kill me first, Your Majesty, before you kill him and his people.” King Mswati II was moved by his uncle’s compassion and ordered that they be ‘dead’ to him and their land will be under the Ndwandwes and they will remain only as tindvuna. This would be the case until his death and future kings gave back most of the land such that we now have the late Chief Malamulela Magagula controlling vast Magagula land again but not all. Madlangempisi political hot spot Madlangempisi has remained a very sensitive political hot spot over the years because of this history. The antimonarchy and anti-Dlamini sentiments remained very strong. Most of the political parties trace their origins back to Madlangempisi. The June 2021 uprising has put Member of Parliament (MP) Sibusiso ‘Scorpion’ Nxumalo under great pressure by the highly politicised youth to take a stand against the monarchy, claiming this is the will of the people. You are with us or against us was the slogan. His picture with the King might have broken the camel’s back. He has weathered the storm carrying a very big political constituency with a population of more than 28 000 and having won with a convincing 1 084 majority votes to his closest rival. However, political rivalry for future elections still exists and anything to undermine the incumbent is possible. SNAT connection Madlangempisi has one of the strongest SNAT branches in the country. This again brings in a strong political element as we all know the sentiments of the teachers union towards the monarchy. The recent unrest has had an even greater stress towards the local MP. This political climate has also affected negatively relationships even within the Nxumalo family and close relatives who are affiliated with various organisations. The MP has to juggle these relationships while staying focused and working for the majority. MP Scorpion the man This is a self-made businessman/politician who was recovering from the loss of his wife (best friend) only five years ago and was on his way to recovery. His children have lost everything again, having lost their mother and now losing their home with everything inside including all their most important documents, memories, clothing and everything imaginable in one cruel act. His business has suffered the loss of his partner and CEO, his CFO to COVID-19 complications and recently his mechanic to a car accident, who was also a brother. To make matters worse copper thieves broke into the business and stripped the machinery of copper wiring rendering it useless. However, he has been able to fight his way back and the company will be ready for operations soon in time for the sugar mill opening. Conclusion The Magagulas and the Nxumalos, with all that has been said, have lived together peacefully with a very close relationship for decades. The generations have intermarried and there is no family that does not have relations with one or the other surname. However, the antimonarchy sentiments which have spread throughout all the various surnames at Madlangempisi are disturbing. It has found fertile ground for all political parties calling for change. The brutality of the attack on the home of the MP has served to put fear and take away our freedom of expression. Ordinary emaSwati will not be able to freely express themselves at the dialogue. This is the death of the call for real democracy and the entry of new forceful dictatorship. septembereswatini@gmail.com