Times Of Swaziland: HANG MEN FOR HAVING SEX WITH DAUGHTERS HANG MEN FOR HAVING SEX WITH DAUGHTERS ================================================================================ Mfanukhona Nkambule on 14/09/2024 06:58:00 Deputy Prime Minister Thuli Dladla and Prince Simelane, the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, have a mammoth task. They have to persuade and lobby Cabinet and Attorney General Sifiso Mashampu Khumalo to support and ensure enactment of the Incest Capital Punishment Act of 2025. We cannot go on like this, allowing men to pollute the matrimonial environment by indulging in sexual intercourse with their own daughters. We cannot guarantee freedom to liberty and life to a man who fathers his daughter's child. He doubles as a grandfather to his own child while his daughter is his baby-mama and a biological sister to her biological child. What are we going to say to almighty God? This is sheer abomination that, if we fail to eradicate through the imposition of a death penalty on offenders, we have to fix the jail sentence at 150 years. This is serious and we are not joking here. I am aware of the negative local and international reaction to the proposed death penalty or legislation carrying the sentence of 150 years. It is a good thing to sometimes take a leaf from the late former Prime Minister Sibusiso Barnabas Dlamini who binned petitions that undermined the fruits of independence and sovereignty of the country. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch tested the ex-PM's mettle and they have a story to tell. We cannot brush immorality under the carpet merely because we fear global condemnation. As we fear to be criticised, perverts will continue to promote sexual profligacy in the country. I hope the draftsmen in the Attorney General Office will do a proper job. Get it drafted for Cabinet and Parliament scrutiny and passage. On Thursday, the DPM released a report that showed clearly that men are stubborn. There is an increase in the number of child abuses in the country. We have to protect the future generations. However, men who sleep with their biological daughters must be hanged.There are about 17 States in the USA that use and maintain the death penalty. They include Alabama, Kentucky, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Louisiana, South Carolina, South Dakota, Nebraska, Nevada, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Idaho. I am aware that Amnesty International holds that the death penalty breaches human rights, in particular the right to life and the right to live free from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The organisation says both rights are protected under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations (UN) in 1948. That does not, however, erode the fact that men who sexually abuse their own daughters deserve the death sentence. They are not supposed to be called men as they have a peculiar spirit that must be eliminated from the surface of the earth, just as God swept away the Nephilim. Due to their nefarious practices, they are a unique offspring that must be removed from society. A man who indulges in sexual intercourse with his daughter does not deserve to live with inmates. His Majesty’s Correctional Services are too modest and clean to accommodate people who disregard the principle of nature. The increasing rate of incest in the country is now a cause for concern. While SODV deals with other equally serious rape cases, the country needs a special law to deal with incest harshly and swiftly. I mean the incest that relates to a man sexually violating his daughter or a man sexually violating his mother. I am talking about a man who indulges in sexual intercourse with his biological sister. I am not familiar with cases of women sexually abusing their sons. Over a decade ago, a young man who was living in Nkoyoyo, Mbabane, wanted to marry his biological sister. They were living together. What is this? Are we still a society that God can visit anytime? Certainly not! The Times of Eswatini reported nine days ago that a father and his son were arrested for indulging in sexual intercourse with his daughter. Against her will, the girl had sex with her brother and father. In fact, there is nothing like “will” here. The girl was 10 years old. Even if she had attained the age of 40, incest, regardless of the survivor’s age, should be practically condemned in the strongest possible terms in the country. It must be condemned through harsh legislation. The 51-year-old retired security guard and his son (18) allegedly violated the minor sexually since January 2024. The Times of Eswatini reported that the girl was infected with sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). According to the media report, they were exposed after the girl had visited one of her relatives during the school holidays. She wept uncontrollably when it was time to return home. She then confided in her relatives that she feared being raped by her father and brother at home.They made their first appearances at the Mbabane Magistrate Court a week ago, thanks to the police and the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office for conducting a watertight investigation into this diabolical act. In 2011, a then 52-year-old man from northern Hhohho allegedly impregnated his daughter. He was charged with having sex with his youngest daughter who was 16 at that time. That was a devilish spirit, and the man was possessed with it. He had three wives. The girl disappeared from home after her father had threatened her with violence. Last year, a DNA confirmed that a pastor fathered his grandchild’s baby. In 2020, local newspapers reported that a 42-year-old man was charged with raping his own daughter. He allegedly raped his 16-yaer old daughter in one of the townships in Manzini. He appeared in court before Principal Magistrate David Khumalo. According to his charge sheet, he allegedly committed the offence in February 2019 at his place of abode, where he lived with his daughter and his three other children. There is enough evidence that we are a society that must be corrected by the application of the noose. The Nephilim spirit must be dealt with harshly. Basically, the Nephilim were the product of the sons of god mingling with the daughters of Adam. They were referred to as the great biblical giants or “the fallen ones. They were sometimes called the “Rephaim – terrible ones or “the dead ones”. Increasingly exasperated by their iniquitous act or depraved practice, God, rightfully so, eliminated the Nephilim from the surface of the earth. Almighty God condemned them to the death penalty. If you impregnate your own child, you are the same as the Nephilim. Let me explain here. The Nephilim were the product of copulation between the divine beings (lit. sons of god) and human women (lit. daughters of Adam). What does that mean? The fallen angels had sex with human beings.As a result of this sexual encounter, the product of the angels and human beings became a hybrid race of supernatural creatures who are half-mortal and half-angel. Half-mortal and half-angels lived on earth. Legend has it that they possessed mortal souls, but still vulnerable to old age and death. Hebrew Bible scholars taught me that they had the best traits of both species - spirit and flesh entwined. That was race pollution. Realistically or practically so, the earth had been polluted with supernatural creatures that were not in the original plan for the God who created the earth. Bible historians say the first Nephilim originated in the earliest days of humanity, not long after the disaster of Eden. In those days, it is understood that angels more commonly walked the earth, resulting in many humans worshipping them as gods, with others offering themselves to the angels in the hopes of gaining favour or power. As I pointed out earlier, these unions resulted in Nephilim – powerful human/angel hybrids who possessed the power of an angel with the free will and ambition of a human. Their numbers were great, as were their powers, and they quickly grew to become conquerors. It got so bad that God Himself had to intervene, sending a great flood to destroy them. In the wake of this, it was made law that angels were forbidden from creating Nephilim. The punishment for doing so was exile for the angel and death for the Nephilim. A Nephilim is the result of the union between a female human and male angel. I agree with Christian Truth that human males are unable to fertilise female angels (if ever there are female angels). Christian theologians say any sort of angel can create a Nephilim. Others argue that they can also sire Cherubim. I am not sure about the Cherubim. A Cherubim is an angelic being involved in the worship and praise of God. May I talk to you today! As the earth began to degenerate to an insensitively depraved society, the power of the Nephilim depended on the angel who sired them. Mind you, a Nephilim did not develop any faster than a human child, but the pregnancy tended to be a bit rougher. Research has shown that strange omens often sprung up throughout the pregnancy as mothers rarely survived the birth.It is said that a Nephilim could breed like any human as Christian Truth states in its research about this supernatural creature. Unlike full angels, Nephilim did not have a divine form as they were tied to the flesh they were born in. Theologians from Christian Truth states that they did not possess any of the physical characteristics of their angelic fathers, but inherited their mothers' physical aspects almost exclusively. They also possessed wings which, unlike an angel, were not invisible. These wings were large and usually had white feathers. These wings manifested in times of stress or great danger, though the Nephilim could manifest them at will with some training. The power level of a Nephilim depended on how strong their angelic parent was. They were more powerful than many supernatural creatures. As they matured, they gained access to more power, a prospect that made a lot of people very nervous. Let us get rid of the Nephilim spirit.