Times Of Swaziland: EUROPE'S DEFENCE SPENDING SURGE EUROPE'S DEFENCE SPENDING SURGE ================================================================================ Sanele Sibiya on 26/03/2025 08:12:00 THE globe is contending with multiple geopolitical moving elements, bringing a new wave of uncertainty into the global world order. There a swift changes in the situation in the middle east, Israel continues to invade the Gaza strip, America threatens to attack Iran if they do not cease funding terrorist entities. On Tuesday morning the globe woke up to news of security breaches within the Pentagon, with America plotting to attack Yemen in search of Houthi insurgents. Stocking fears into markets and commerce as the entire Middle East region may be drawn into the conflict. Europe is responding to all these movements through increases in defence spends. A bevy of European countries target to increase defence spend to five per cent of their gross domestic product (GDP). Though these increases in defence spending are aimed at increasing Europe’s defence capabilities they will no doubt have impacts on Eswatini. Eswatini therefore, needs to adjust and infuse flexibilities to respond to these changes within Europe. A changing global landscape The geopolitical landscape is going through a seismic tectonic shift. Europe is being forced to increase its defence spending to at least five per cent of GDP. Countries like the United Kingdoms, France, Ireland etc., have already made commitments to increase their defence spend to five per cent of GDP. The reasons are relatively straight forward, the change in the North American Treaty Organisation (NATO), threaten to leave Europe defenceless. In the past couple of weeks president Trump has threatened to give up the position of General of the NATO troops, much against the founding documents of NATO in that the country with a huge compliment of soldiers in NATO should assume command of the organ. Furthermore, the global order is changing, forcing Europe to respond by an equal might, the China rise to a global super power is a real concern for Europe and there is need to stand ready to absorb such a shock, through bolstering capabilities. This tremor in the global geopolitical landscape will have marked impacts on Eswatini, impacting global trade, international relations and development aid. Economic impacts Trade between Eswatini and Europe reached 280million Euros in 2022, signalling the magnitude of bilateral reliance between the two partners. A shift in spending towards defence in Europe could affect Eswatini’s exports to Europe. This could change the configuration of Europe’s imports in favour of high tech defence imports or components crucial in improving the capabilities of the defence industry in Europe. This could have adverse effects on Eswatini since Eswatini exports are largely raw materials and agricultural. We may experience a shrink in demand emanating through the European trade channel. On the upside, a shift in industrial configuration in Europe to focus on defence opens up space for increased imports of agricultural products and raw material as Europe shifts industrial capability to the military industrial complex. Therefore, Eswatini needs to start planning a supply response through ramping up agricultural production. To ensure that we are able to benefit from this industrial shift in Europe, Eswatini need to leverage existing economic and political ties with Europe. Furthermore, the impacts will also be felt through the development assistance channel. Europe is one of the major development partners in Eswatini and a large portion of Europe’s aid is channelled to aid for trade and economic resilience. This aid is expected to shrink as Europe shifts spending to defence spending. This will exacerbate the impact of a freeze in USAID placing the social response in Eswatini in further disarray and slowing economic growth prospects. Security and stability concerns The surge in European defence spending also has implications for global security dynamics, which could indirectly affect Eswatini. As European nations focus on addressing security threats in their own region, there may be less attention and resources available for peacekeeping and conflict resolution efforts in Africa. This could exacerbate instability in neighbouring regions, with potential spill-over effects for Eswatini. Moreover, the increased militarisation of global politics could lead to a rise in arms exports to Africa, including to countries near Eswatini. This could heighten the risk of regional conflicts and undermine efforts to promote peace and stability on the continent. Migration and humanitarian challenges Another area of concern is the impact of Europe’s defence spending on migration policies. As European nations invest in border security and surveillance technologies, there is likely to be a tightening of migration controls. This could make it more difficult for Eswatini’s citizens to seek opportunities in Europe, whether for work, education or asylum. At the same time, stricter migration policies could lead to an increase in irregular migration, with associated risks such as human trafficking and exploitation. Eswatini, as a transit country for migrants from other parts of Africa, may face additional challenges in managing these issues. The role of regional cooperation In light of these challenges, regional cooperation will be crucial for Eswatini to navigate the implications of Europe’s defence spending surge. By working closely with neighbouring countries and regional organisations like the Southern African Development Community (SADC), Eswatini can strengthen its position in global negotiations and advocate for policies that support its development goals.