Times Of Swaziland: Mdockies the aspiring MP? Mdockies the aspiring MP? ================================================================================ Mkhulu on 10/08/2013 13:00:00 Saturday it is and I can see batukulu are running to buy the Swazi News just to read their favourite column, Mkhulu on the Whyless. Let’s get down to business. The trending news on the whyless is on the nominations and Women’s Day in general. I recall Moses ‘Mthetho’ Matsebula the other day playing a song (I forgot the title of the track) for aspiring bahlonishwa. He was like “banjani ba-khetfwa (ngingati if that word likhona in our siSwati dic-tionery) ngibafisela inhlanhla endleleni leya ephalamende. However, I just wonder if Moses akafuni kuyodla khona ngoba siyeva kuyadliwa lapha ingako nje MPs baphuma anemkhaba lamanyatelako. Nominations Speaking of nominations, I learnt through the media that umtukulu Nathi ‘Mdockies’ Hlophe has been nominated. Kuhle ke loko. All I can say about radio announcers being MPs is that it’s right we nominate them. For one they are vocal and are used to working with the public so they know most of the burning issues. I am proud of Marwick Khumalo and Rodgers ‘Nyonende’ Mamba as well as Cedusizi Ndlovu. I want to encourage them kutsi lokukhuluma kuchubeke lephalamende ningabese niyathula. Being an MP is about making your voice heard on what the people have sent you. Still on nominations, I asked Veli ‘Shortgun’ Simelane if he was nominated and he responded to the negative. I am saddened by this because I listen to his analysis and small talk and ngebudzala bami, I can analyse he is matured and has a vision on what his Majesty needs in all the aspiring MPs. On the woman’s month issue, Bongani ‘Bobo’ Dlamini and Buyile Fakudze were on about how women have made an impact in our society. Another trending issue or rather announcement was that of kusoka kweba-nftwana kwesikolwa. Circumcise Currently, PSI is going around the country encouraging pupils and adults to circumcise. How can I forget the big game this weekend at Somhlolo Stadium? Since the beginning of the week, football fanatics and SPTC customers have been winning tickets to the Swazi Telecom Charity Cup. The old man too will be there I just need to buy leMI-FI leshi-phile. I hear its E350. Speaking of tickets I also learnt that two lucky listeners won themselves tickets to Robert Kelly’s SA tour. That was on the Sunday Soul Session presented by Sithembile ‘Supaphly’ Vilane. Namkhulu from batukulu labangitsandzako was offered E650 but ngavele ngabatjela that I should get the money ngiyotsenga imphuphu. Sibaya report on the whyless Siphesihle Sihlabani Nxumalo,Veli Simelane and Edward ‘Morose’ Mthethwa were at the scene at Ludzidzini Royal Residemce, reporting about Sibaya proceedings. It was a pity though because bebahle bakhatheka. I was on my way from Dvudvusini to Lobamba when the blackout happened. At that moment they were discussing the last Sibaya meeting. I should say if I did not attend it myself bengitawushiyeka nje ngoba iSBIS ayisiko yekutsenjwa. Retro rewind: Are they listening? Sometimes nawu lima insimu kumele ume bese ubuka emuva. That is what I am doing, I have been on about repeats these days and programmes that are no longer aired. Firstly on Wilton ‘Jazih3’ Mamba, I urged him to bring us a talkshow where he will tackle national issues because I was concerned the programmes, In touch and Break the Silence were vanishing into thin air. But since he has done nothing about it, I am hoping he is planning something big. I also hinted on programmes that are repeated and I am glad Mbuso T Ntjingila has brought us fresh programmes such as Reflections. I wish I could say the same about Khalamdumbadumbane. Yati recently I was listening to Khalamdumbadumbane wanga 2008 on Mtukulu’s iPad and I really cried hearing lelichawe lelinguMbhokane likhuluma. I wish they could play the recordings aboMbhokane naSgcoko if a new episode kute. Speaking about repeated programmes, I should not turn a blind eye on programmes that are presented by Ray ‘Boom Boom’ WaboGogo naboMkhulu. He always produces live shows, whether it’s the DStv talkshow, ayigugi lengoma, kusuluka tintwane... all these programmes are always fresh, wenta ngani wena Nkhosi? Keep it up Mkhulu is listening. Did Tanele press the wrong button again? On Thursday from around 6.15am to 8am there was ‘dead-air’ on the whyless. Mkhulu discovered that indeed the problem was not with my whyless but SBIS1 to be precise. Phela my whyless has many shortfalls, eg sometimes my man-made aerial is removed from the cable leading to the antenna source so it does blackout anytime. Another instance sometimes my 9pp battery just die on me and I experience a blackout and thirdly the whyless speakers have their issues too and I sort that by shaking the whyless and lapho bese iyakhala. Yah kundzima but I still love my whyless and listen to it 24/7. Yabona when there is a blackout ngicale ngiyicilonge ke so you can imagine what I had to go through Thursday morning. I missed my favourite pro-gramme Letishisako and the news. Its was only at 8.05am that SBIS1 youthful announcer Tanele ‘Aw’mine’ Motsa apologised on behalf of the station. She said the engineers were doing everything the could to fix the problem. I hope Tanele did not press the wrong button again. Hehehe, asitsembe it won’t happen again because bese-sikadze sagcina kuhlaselwa yidead-air.