Times Of Swaziland: The sanctity of marriage The sanctity of marriage ================================================================================ BY SITHEMBILE HLATSHWAYO on 12/08/2013 23:03:00 His Majesty recently said there was no divorce in Swazi culture. The second a woman is smeared with red ochre means she is a wife and will be such until she dies. This is not new nor is it reserved for Swazi culture only. The Catholic Church for instance, does not believe in divorce. The church believes that once a couple is married such a union is for life. This can be seen in the traditional vows that are said in front of the priest who conducts the wedding ceremony. The vows promise that the couple will be true to each other, to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part. The King was reiterating the importance of respecting the sanctity of marriage which has been corroded. He said the youth especially should be taught about Swazi customary marriage since it is good. Every society has some form of marriage and the institution has proved itself as a means of preserving social stability and providing for the needs of women and children. In the Catholic Church holy matrimony is a sacrament bestowing both privileges and duties on each partner. These obligations include a lifelong commitment, sexual fidelity to one’s spouse, providing for the upbringing of the children born to the marriage and sharing property ownership. The problems that arise when a marriage is absent are many and the least spared in this situation are the children. Children who do not live with their parents are too many and this change has been caused largely by the increase in divorce, and by the increase in single mothers and cohabiting couples who have children but do not marry. Children who do not live with both parents are more likely to divorce as adults while children who are raised by both parents tend to grow into well rounded adults. Such children also enjoy better physical wealth when compared to those who do not live with both parents. Drugs in schools This is by no means a new phenomenon since drugs have been in our schools for a very long time. However, drug dealers are targeting private schools because the pupils in these schools are believed to have easy access to money. Police are aware of drug use in schools and will be introducing anti-crime clubs in the school to curb the illegal use of the drugs since it is on the increase and our children’s lives and future has become more uncertain. Drug abuse not only affects the user, his entire family but also the entire community and the devastating effects of the drugs vary from health, education, emotion and psychological. Anxiety and depressive disorders are more common among adolescents and adults who are exposed to drug abuse. Drug abuse is common worldwide and over the years we have watched certain countries deal with it in their own way. A lot of times it will affect children because they are weaker and more interested in exploring new things. Parents should always be open with their children, especially about the bad things.