Times Of Swaziland: A SELFLESS POLICE OFFICER A SELFLESS POLICE OFFICER ================================================================================ The editor on 11/09/2016 07:27:00 Sir, Kindly publish my condolences and tribute to Mandla Mvubu, the late Station Commander of Malkerns Police Station. Words cannot describe the shock I felt when I read of the sudden and untimely demise of this great son of Africa. From the few professional encounters I had with him, I found him to be immensely down-to-earth, compassionate, unbelievably understanding and very welcoming. He really practised the open-door-policy, which is so glaringly lacking in many public-serving officers around the country - more specifically in some public offices; where one is more often than not, treated like dirt and as a non taxpaying citizen. Unlike a few of his colleagues in the police force, he was eager to help, very amicable and never presented a stony and arrogant attitude whenever you needed his professional help. It is no secret that police officers in some of the police s tations around the country are arrogant, rude and portray a know-it-all attitude, such that whenever one is faced with the daunting task of reporting one’s problem, there is always that inherent fear of one setting his foot into that place. To show how amicable and very eager to help members of the public Mvubu was in his line of duty, let me tell my readers a little story of how - with maturity and sheer professionalism - he solved a problem that stressed me so much that I was almost ready to take the law into my own hands. Fortunately, sanity prevailed and I entered the Manzini Police Station with knees shaking and asked to talk to the Station Commander. That was sometime last year, while he was heading the Manzini police precinct. A certain trickster based in Ngwane Park, who advertised cheap, building blocks at E6.50 per block, in one of the local daily newspapers swindled me out of a sum of about E16 000, promising to deliver them at my place in Nkhaba. After repeated follow-ups to and promises from this Smart Joe, which took about five months, with him repeatedly and deviously making endless excuses, I finally said ‘Enough is enough’ and sent him text messages that I was taking up the matter with law enforcement agencies because it was obvious he had taken me for ride. I first reported the matter at the Sigodvweni Police station where another very amicable Station Commander (I have forgotten his name) went out of his way to help and advised me to report the matter at the Manzini police station since the swindler was based in Manzini. Mvubu attentively listened to my story and rightly said that what this guy had done was tantamount to theft by false pretences. He asked for his number, called and kindly asked him to avail himself to his office. He obliged and was shocked to find me there. With a calm voice, Mvubu put it to him that as men and human beings, what this man was doing would one day backfire as we will need each other one day. He at first blatantly lied that he had promised to deliver the bricks to my place and that it was I who was failing to collect. With Mvubu urging and showing him the folly of his ways, he conceded that he had problems with transport. I was up to my neck with his delaying tactics and told Mvubu that all I needed was my money back and that just like President Jacob Zuma ‘He must pay back the money’. Amicably, Mvubu urged him to commit himself and he obliged to” pay back the money” by installments of E5 000, which he did in the first month but later reneged on his promise. As I speak, he still owes me about E6 000 and I finally reported to Mvubu that I was taking the matter up with my lawyer. It is pending in court. Sadly, Mvubu is gone and will never again be aware of how his efforts finally came to a conclusion. I even wrote an article in the Swazi News newspaper asking the Police Commissioner to acknowledge the dedication of the late Mvubu and the Sigodvweni Station Commander. To the late Mvubu’s family, I pass my sincere condolences. May you hold your head high that as your son and head of the family, Mvubu was a people’s person, a staunch Christian who died in the line of duty. He put the public’s interests first before his and I can bet you my last penny that those under his command will miss him and that he has left a void that w ill be hard to fill! To the whole Police Service, I say “Akwehlangu olungehlanga bafana be Mbube.” I urge all police officers, from those in the highest echelons of power to those in the lowest ranks, to emulate the humble and amicable actions and attitude of the late Mvubu. We know that you are human and that at times you are prone to erring. Please restrain yourself from brutality and unnecessary use of maximum use of force during your line of duty and that please serve the public with humility and dignity. Refrain from exhibiting that arrogant and the know-it-all attitude that is so famous and portrayed by some of your colleagues. You always urge us that ‘Nawe uliphoyisa’ but if we report crimes and at times end up being viewed as suspects, this immensely tarnishes the esteemed name of the police service and causes us to dread reporting misdemeanors of criminals. Mr Police Commissioner, you have truly lost a dedicated Commander and a fearless leader. I am with you and your troops during this sad hour of darkness. I know that the late Mvubu may now be lying in the grave and as the Bible says ‘The dead know nothing’’ but what I know is that when Jesus Christ sounds the last trumpet, just as He says in John 5:28: “ Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming when all who are in their graves will hear His voice and come out - those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment.” Even though I am no saint, like many who claim to be true Christians but are Pharisees and cannot predict God’s final judgment on who will enter His glorious kingdom, I know Mvubu will be among the frontrunners God will look upon as those who truly served and worshipped Him with dedication. Rest in peace Mvubu, Sir! You have run your race and now wait upon to receive your crown. Alex Lucky Nxumalo MANZINI