Times Of Swaziland: THEY KNOW IT ALL THEY KNOW IT ALL ================================================================================ The Editor on 26/01/2017 04:41:00 Sir, Ever had occasion to ‘listen’ to those who know it all? When in the presence of such people the best thing you can do is to stay in the moment, keep your mouth shut and ensure you do not pick up that negativity. Such people are so miserable that they want to ensure that they contaminate everyone else with their negativity. They will go to great lengths to ensure that they vocalise their ‘knowledge’ with that defiant energy that denotes just how ‘learned’ they are on a specific subject. There are numerous controversial subjects such as divorce, religious teachings etc which can cause many to come to blows. I am pleased for I, like a tree, have strong roots which irrespective of what others may say and do I do not permit them to shake me. It is that inherent desire to hang onto those rigid beliefs which makes many resist change resulting in them maintaining the status quo of remaining ‘miserable’ because, irrespective of their vocalisations, others will persistently elect to do what suits them. Yet, if such people would embrace the reality that God limits no one, God allows, they would awaken to the reality that they are only in control of themselves. As I jogged one morning a passerby with a stomach that was over his belt decided to tell me how to exercise. Because I had elected to ignore him he then stated that I was ignoring him because he was ‘black’. This made me stop! I dislike the race card being played on me for I am of mixed blood. Without malice I said to him; “I have difficulty following directives from someone who has a stomach over his belt and now wants to tell me how I should be working out. I believe people should live by example. Please do not take offence as none is meant but I prefer to take advice from people who ‘do things’ instead of those who teach.” Because there was no malice in my tone, he walked away and I continued jogging. Remember “energy is the currency of the universe. When you ‘pay’ attention to something you buy that experience. So when you allow yourself to focus on someone or something that annoys you, you feed it your energy and it reciprocates the experience of being annoyed. Be selective in your focus because your attention feeds the energy of it and keeps it alive. Not just within you, but in the collective consciousness as well.” So the next time you come across someone who knows it all, exercise choice. Become conscious of the energies being emitted and realise you do not have to ‘allow’ them to drain you. Those are their beliefs and opinions, yours is to decide whether there was anything in what was said that would be of assistance to you. By so doing you lose nothing, you are still whole. What you do gain is peace of mind. You are always in control; you just have to be cognisant of that fact. (Comments: My FB page; inaldathegreat@gmail.com; www.inalda.co.sz) Inalda Jorge-Antonio