Times Of Swaziland: MORAL DECAY IN SCHOOLS MORAL DECAY IN SCHOOLS ================================================================================ The Editor on 27/01/2017 00:31:00 Sir, Moral decay is not restricted to Swaziland only but it is happening worldwide and has been for quite some time. The minister of Education appears to create the illusion that doing away with the teaching of other religions in our schools will somehow solve the problem. Teaching children about other religions at an early age eliminates misconceptions that they might have and it instills religious tolerance. In a diversely endowed religious country like Swaziland, this is essential. To realise the real source of the decline of moral standards in today’s youth, the minister needs to watch television stations, beginning with our own Swazi TV. The majority of the music videos contain images of women in bikinis dancing in a purposely seductive manner. Many of these videos show young people sitting around consuming all types of alcoholic beverages freely, and some of the lyrics are full of profanity. These ‘artists’ are the role models that our youth look up to and mimic, not only in the way they dress but in their actions as well. There is this one particular show on Swazi TV where after the presenter has aired 30 minutes of sexually suggestive videos and others in which alcohol is being consumed or both, he signs off by praising God. Is not what he has just presented to his audience and his closing words a contradiction? In regards to violence, profanity and nudity, the minister only has to watch movie channels at almost any time, day or night and he will find all three. Those who support the banning of the teaching of any religion in schools other than Christianity have their own agenda and this excuse is only a smoke screen. Most people know that the religions of this country teach similar values that are morally sound and that, although there are vast differences in the way each religion practices its faith, they all worship the same creator. MJF