Times Of Swaziland: SEEING SPOOKS AND GHOSTS IN THE HOUSE SEEING SPOOKS AND GHOSTS IN THE HOUSE ================================================================================ The Editor on 22/02/2017 07:24:00 Sir, When all the former colonies gained independence from their colonial masters almost everything was nice and good more especially for the power they wielded and the better economies they inherited. As soon as they had dipped their fingers into the cookie jars and the economies started dwindling, trouble began. They started seeing spooks and ghosts in the house, blaming their former colonial masters for their ill demeanours instead of looking in the mirror to see who had been on the steering wheel for the past 10 or so years and seeing who has been the cause of the falling economies. Sure as the sun rises from the east and sets in the west, the moment the economy falls and starvation starts biting the citizenry’s stomachs, every form of anarchy is bound to erupt. The worst problem is when our leaders don’t seem to intrinsically look into the real causes of the carnage or is it because they hate the sight of their faces in the mirror. The worst part with our leaders is that once they are at the top they forget that they were taken from our midst with probably a 50 per cent chance of getting there but when they get there they become one eyed in the world of the blind. They are sure to make decisions for us without us. Our cries become ridiculous, our criticism becomes alien influences. When one is hungry they are hungry and they can never borrow an alien influence to be hungry. It will never be un-Swazi to cry when one is hungry. We actually become objects that don’t even know how to be governed well. Worried.com