Times Of Swaziland: ALWAYS TRY TO AVOID NEGATIVE ENERGY ALWAYS TRY TO AVOID NEGATIVE ENERGY ================================================================================ The Editor on 24/02/2017 03:04:00 Sir, Call me weird but I avoid anyone who emits negative energy. I will not stop to purchase airtime from a vendor who shows no interest and continues sitting when I stop my vehicle. I love to deal with people who are alive, vibrant and emit that wonderful uplifting energy. To me it is imperative that anyone in any form of business greets one and makes one feel welcome upon arriving in that business space. Because I believe we leave a little of ourselves wherever we go, the reason I prefer to do my own work in my yard is because firstly, I love and enjoy the activity, it ensures I remain flexible; secondly by doing my own work I avoid ‘tapping’ into the energy of anyone who drags themselves about, can only focus on what they do not have instead of on how much they have, for they tend to drain me; thirdly it is when I am totally engrossed in physical work that I get ‘into the zone’ and receive inspiration for my writing. I have to remain upbeat to tap into the flow for life is too short to waste one’s energy on negativity. I have found that when I focus on the spiritual, the material manifests effortlessly. If I hear anyone speaking about another I instantly remove myself from their company to avoid speaking about others, for I know that if I do not speak about others, others will not speak about me. Many call me boring but to me that is the best way to remove drama, scandal and negativity from one’s life. I avoid depressing thoughts or thoughts that tend to invoke fear in me for I believe we cannot experience something we have not ‘energised’. Energising something means we are feeding it, we are thinking about it and therefore the energy we put into it ensures its manifestation. I avoid being around those who constantly seek attention, for attention seeking to me denotes someone who has not yet ‘discovered who they truly are’. I avoid anyone who believes that their material possessions define them; I prefer to deal with humble people for those have been my greatest teachers. I also avoid those who have not moved on from their past and who have elected to reside in misery. We have all gone through trials and tribulations and we had to be there in order to be where we are today. All the above may sound ‘selfish’ but I have chosen this path until I have mastered not tapping into energy that is not mine! Misery loves company, what company are you keeping? Are the people you are associating with encouraging you to stay in your misery or are they encouraging you to find solutions to help you grow? Even a greeting is an exchange of energy, what energy are you constantly emitting? How are you exchanging that energy? Do you go through the motions or does your greeting denote honesty, presence, kindness and caring? Let your absence be felt. I love the French statement; “You are missing from me,” instead of the English saying; “I am missing you.” (Comments: My FB page; inaldathegreat@gmail.com; www.inalda.co.sz) Inalda Jorge-Antonio