Times Of Swaziland: SPEED HUMPS AT MADUMA/ MAKHOLOKHOLO AREA SPEED HUMPS AT MADUMA/ MAKHOLOKHOLO AREA ================================================================================ The Editor on 01/03/2017 07:21:00 Sir, Thank you for affording me this opportunity to raise a concern with the Municipal Council of Mbabane about our lives being exposed to danger as a result of speeding cars and kombis. Can those responsible for roads in the municipality come to our rescue by providing speed humps along the road at Maduma/Makholokholo area on the way towards Ngwenya from Mbabane. Speed humps are available along the Makholokholo Sidwashini side and we would greatly appreciate it if we were to be afforded same. As I write this letter there is a child who is using crutches after being hit by a speeding vehicle while trying to cross the road. This unfortunate incident would have been avoided had there been speed humps to regulate the speed of the vehicles using this road on a daily basis. Parents are never at ease when children leave in the mornings on the way to their various schools. We believe that the speed humps will go a long way in reducing the dangers that this community is exposed to in as far as the speeding of vehicles along this stretch of the road is concerned. Please baphatsi be town council can you look into this issue with the urgency it deserves before lives are lost. Concerned resident