Times Of Swaziland: ENTREPRENEUR VS BUSINESSPERSON ENTREPRENEUR VS BUSINESSPERSON ================================================================================ The Editor on 16/03/2017 07:21:00 Sir, Is an entrepreneur the same as a businessperson, there are more questions than answers. Some people are even thinking of their own businesses and some are even thinking of their long lost business-oriented brother. One of my business networks once posted an image which said; ‘A businessperson is someone who will grow a watermelon and decide to sell it as it is, while an entrepreneur is someone who will grow watermelons and sell some as they are and blend the remaining ones into juice and sell them.’ Some want to start that business and be entrepreneurs but they don’t know where and how to start it. Some have the money but have no idea of how to start the business. Some businessmen/women are looking at ways that will elevate them into being entrepreneurs. So the question is, how exactly do I become an entrepreneur? How do I come up with the business idea? Their biggest problem is your biggest business idea or your most troubling question is your biggest business idea. Some are already counting instances of problems and instances of questions they once posed. Networking gets you into a larger network for your business idea, interact with people who know what they are doing and are successful in the field you are looking to venture into. Implementation then gets the ball rolling. Now the question still remains; is an entrepreneur the same as a businessperson? It’s simple the answer lies in the phrase ‘A businessperson is someone who will grow a watermelon and decide to sell it as it is while an entrepreneur is someone who will grow watermelons sell some as they are and blend the remaining ones into juice and sell them’. Remember our journey is still long, hold on. Siphiwo S Lushaba (siphiwolushaba@gmail.com)