Times Of Swaziland: GETTING ANSWERS GETTING ANSWERS ================================================================================ The Editor on 19/04/2017 23:31:00 Sir, At times people pass comments and more often than not one tends to get unsettled by such opinions. I am addicted to jogging or physical work. For years I have jogged past a house where an elderly lady resides and on this particular day she passed a comment; “You are jogging and yet you are still fat!” I was not only taken aback by her statement but it took a great deal of control not to permit my mind to remain stuck in that thought. A few days later while in discussion with my personal assistant I shared with her what was uttered. The response I received made me understand. My assistant said; “Before I started working here I too thought that all people who jogged should be tall and skinny. ‘‘Now I know differently.” I now understood that the elderly lady meant no offense, in her mind she simply has the conception that all people who jog should be skinny. It was not uttered to unsettle me. On the other hand I thought, if she vocalised that to one of the young girls, that young girl would probably ‘believe’ she is fat and would then either starve herself and end up suffering from Anorexia Nervosa or even Bulimia. Once again, we should all refrain from passing comments lest they ‘destroy’ someone for life. Comment So the next time someone passes a comment and you can feel your temperature rising, take a long deep breath and put that matter on the back burner. In a conversation with others in due course, that statement will be clarified by someone else. We tend to jump to conclusions too quickly and this trait may be as a result of our upbringing where others demanded answers spontaneously from one without giving one time to think. Take it slow; ask for answers when you are not emotional. When we are emotional we tend to have selective listening. It is important to be totally relaxed and at peace when listening to others’ point of view. Emotion The answers you seek are always within you. However, emotion tends to block out the ‘truth’. That inner voice you argue with so often or you tend to ignore is always there to guide you. Learn to listen to your intuition and only give weight to that which it guides you towards. Not everything you hear has to become ‘important’ to you but be not so blinded by your own ego that you fail to find answers to that which is ‘important’ in your life. If something is important it will keep recurring for the universe only upgrades us, once we have mastered a certain level of understanding attributed to certain of our ‘habits’. If something does not recur, then it was insignificant for that time. May you enjoy your journey through life, take it one moment at a time, for therein lies your power. (Comments: My FB page; www.inalda.co.sz; inaldathegreat@gmail.com) Inalda Jorge-Antonio