Times Of Swaziland: STVA, SBIS FAILING THE NATION STVA, SBIS FAILING THE NATION ================================================================================ The Editor on 23/06/2017 08:18:00 Sir, Thank you for giving me a chance to voice out my displeasure at the manner in which the country’s national media power houses, the Swaziland Television Authority (STVA) and the Swaziland Broadcasting and Information Services (SBIS), operate. May I start by stating that I am not a political activist or affiliated in any of the so called political parties. I write as a news addict (consumer) and concerned citizen of this mighty kingdom. Not long ago, I was greatly disappointed by the nation’s two power media houses, SBIS and STVA. Both stations did not report on the recent teachers’’ march to Cabinet. Last week Wednesday, I watched and listened to the news with displeasure on both channels. Nothing was said about the march. Not even a single word. One wonders if this story was not newsworthy or of significant national interest. If the answer is yes, how so when countless parents had sent their children to school yet a majority of teachers were flooding the streets of Mbabane? Is our country still behind in terms of media freedom? Again if no is the answer, this may be testified by recent reports that Swaziland is ranked number 152 out of 170 countries when it comes to media freedom issues. I guess its high time news editors from both newsrooms bring some innovation in their style of news coverage. Whoever is in charge should allow the voice of the nation to report without fear or favour. Let SBIS and STVA be the true voice(s) of the nation. I mean a voice(s) that can be trusted and counted on when it comes to national news and events. Otherwise thumbs up to the Times of Swaziland and Channel S for keeping the nation abreast with national issues like the one for teachers. Kwanele Mabuza Ntondozi R