Times Of Swaziland: A DREAM IS A GOAL NOT YET ACHIEVED A DREAM IS A GOAL NOT YET ACHIEVED ================================================================================ The Editor on 26/07/2017 04:48:00 Sir, I am reminded of the days when I used to wake up because of scary dreams; dreaming about things I had never seen with my naked eyes. I called those dreams nightmares. Those who dream at night wake up to find that it was vanity but those who dream during the day are dangerous men, because they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible. A dream is a reality that has not come into existence; it is a goal that is not yet achieved. A dream cannot be created in a moment but it is a series of things you may achieve that create one complete picture of what you want in the future. It may be set within a timeframe that will become a goal. A dream can be broken down into steps that give you a plan. The plan backed by actions will make your dream come true. The key thing in achieving our dreams is planning and taking action. One cannot fold arms and expect to accomplish his/her goals. A dream not backed by actions will remain a dream forever. A clear dream helps you pursue your goals; an idea of the future, a strong wish. A dream that is clear will open your mind to the endless possibilities of the future. A dream will help you overcome obstacles along the way and helps you hold on when times are tough. A dream that is well defined helps you to focus and create a purpose that becomes your measurement for your success. If you do not have a vision of who you want to be, how you want to succeed or what you want out of life, you begin to lack drive and your life becomes just an order of events. Death is a tragedy but the worst tragedy in life is not death but living without a purpose. My mentor used to tell me that what I do not see I cannot pursue. There are two important roles of a dream in our lives; inspiration and prediction. It can be first used to inspire you in reaching something you want; it can be also used in predicting changes in our future and our interests. People who forget their dreams begin to lose focus. Graveyards are full of people who passed away with their dreams; some were small and some were big. Their dreams did not come to fruition because they did not act on them. We have to realise that failure and mistakes are unavoidable and that they are just part of the learning process. Failure is an opportunity to learn and adjust your action plan. Persistence is fuelled by knowing that we can make it. Menzi Celucolo Matsebula