Times Of Swaziland: THOSE ENERGIES... THOSE ENERGIES... ================================================================================ The Editor on 09/08/2017 08:10:00 At times a family member may pop in simultaneously with a visitor to one’s home and it is not uncommon for the relative to expect preferential treatment. However by so expecting the tendency is for that relative to emit energies which divulge to one so much about that particular person. Their mannerisms change to the degree that one can feel their desperation in getting the visitor to take note that they are family. They will inevitably start rattling to have ‘centre stage’ in the house at that time and this behaviour is not only draining but also unsettling to whoever may be in the house. When someone behaves in this fashion it is obvious that they believe that while growing up, they did not receive the attention they felt they were worthy of receiving from others in the homestead and thus the reason they will always be attention seekers wherever they go. This sort of person has still not realised their worth and in their desperation to be noticed they actually have the opposite effect on those present. If someone starts a conversation they will immediately butt in so that they do not lose being the centre of attention. Often the air in the room becomes unsettling to the extent that others will stop talking, waiting for that person to leave. It would be wonderful if such people would realise that they need not live in the past. They can recreate their lives as they would like it to be. Once they recognise that they are unique; the only person that can be themselves as no one else can be them they would find no need to desperately seek attention. Although we all draw energy from one another, such energies are the sort of energy no one wants to pick up. The fame and glory is short-lived for it lasts for only those few seconds whereas if they would just be themselves, others would enjoy having them around, would want to get to know them better and they would therefore stay longer. Once we tone our ‘up in the air’ energies down, others become calm and because they are more relaxed they will inevitably enjoy that person’s presence. It is important for one to note certain habits resultant from our pasts which prevent our growth and progress. Expectation always leads to disappointment. If we expect nothing and we accept our own uniqueness others will accept us for who we truly are and that is what draws them to us. The old saying empty vessels make the most noise is true in this instance. Such people rarely have anything worthy to offer in conversations. Copying mannerisms which scream ‘pay attention to me only’ destroys any desire others may have to want to get to know one better. Although we cannot please everybody, people love original grounded beings. Bear in mind that we are all work-in-progress and this letter may be a sign for you to review some of your current behaviour. There are no accidents in life, everything happens for a reason.