Times Of Swaziland: THE REDEMPTION STORY THE REDEMPTION STORY ================================================================================ The Editor on 29/08/2017 00:59:00 Sir, Someone once asked me the question; what if it is all fiction? What if the story of creation, redemption and the plan of salvation were created from mere imagination? I said well, congratulations! You have just contrived an ill-advised theory. I know you will interpret what I say and perhaps evaluate me in your opinion; however, this is entirely not about me but rather a post-catastrophic backup plan of action, designed and synoptically executed and accomplished. Just as it was in the days of Noah, so was it to be in the days of God’s plan, and so shall it be in the close of the great controversy; unknown unto religious sects, like a seed in fallow ground was the germ of the plan, and so is the time of Christ’s Second Advent. It is quite evident that none of us has a mind highly advanced to understand the supernatural, omnipotent, sovereign and omniscient about the God we worship. Heaven is His throne and the earth His footstool, but in the palm of His hand are the depths of the very same earth; to some that may sound or seem like a paradox. But we the Ezekiels and Isaiahs cannot pause even for a moment to contemplate the mastermind’s ideal plan which the future is impatient to meet, nor could history fail to engrave in its record books. There is nothing overstated in this description. As every reader of history can recall, the incredibly echoing silence succeeding the question whom shall I send? There was a remarkable quietude among the angelic hosts, each like a corpse within its grave. An undefined shadow of fear and doubt seemed to have fallen upon them like a cloud but then from the Father’s entirety, the Son proliferated and offered Himself as the atonement sacrifice. Just imagine being Him, a figure full of decision and dignity, leaving behind the passages subdued with glory and majesty; descending into the world He planned and made, amid all wild and primeval chaos, that the world couldn’t even recognise His identity. The overpowering force of circumstance and necessity made them to hate Him, even though He’d come to save them. With immense capacity for His mission’s ceaseless progress; they nailed Him onto the cross, unaware He’d truly rise. But to prove all had gone according to the plan, He came back to life to prove to them that He is who He says He is. No longer shall slanderers’ venom spite and crawl like a snake across his perfect name; sin was arrested, as an interjected finger arrests the beating of the clock. And the concepts of forgiveness was born, though some would make it to heaven and still say, Adam may I talk to you for a sec; since you died before Christ, do we have the same redemption story? Once more let me try to put into words, the manner of love our Savior has lavished upon us; that even after we offended Him, He still chose to save us. No matter how patronising the opposition, do not allow any prejudice to despise your story of redemption. Therefore it is my most fervent prayer that we adopt a well-bred mixture of boldness and courtesy; pray for immunity against criticism and control, to expand our hopes and prospects, peace and harmony in our territory. So if you are part of this story, by fair means or foul, you’re certainly painting out a portrait of the future’s history. Honesty Nxumalo