Times Of Swaziland: YOUR MINDSET IN NEED OF OVERHAUL YOUR MINDSET IN NEED OF OVERHAUL ================================================================================ The Editor on 01/09/2017 01:58:00 Sir, What is feminism? Back then it was a social theory or political movement arguing that legal and social restrictions on females must be removed with the aim to bring equality of both sexes in all aspects of public and private. The reason I said ‘back then’ before is because most modern day ‘feminists’ are frauds because they can never be compared to the strong-willed, free and independent women who have sacrificed a lot and fought for equal human rights; our foregangers. As a young woman I think that feminism was a very meaningful political and social initiative but now ‘feminists’ think their perpetual offense entitles them to consideration and respect. They want recognition and to be considered mighty without actually working towards making their accomplishments equal to some men’s. I really do recognise the effort but our feminism really made me switch sides and sympathise with men. I now support men and their rights because I feel that modern day feminism is greatly flawed- and that is an understatement of course. The likes of Winnie Mandela and Harriet Tubman, to name a few, never assumed that women were the needier gender because they knew that is immaturity at its best, instead they encouraged women to reach their utmost best which is not what is happening nowadays. ‘Feminism’ is now an excuse mechanism for their faults, failures and they demand special attention for their wrong turns because they are ‘women’. As young as I am I find it really hypocritical that some women basically sham others into worshipping the altar of our inadequacies. I mean, modern day feminism is a sham, we are not the boss of mindsets and it is not up to us to decide which gender needs recognition. Women can think for themselves, as can men and all the genders are equal so it’s best if we stop viewing everything as offensive because that will be the end of our relevance and we’ll never be taken seriously. Oh dear modern day feminist, your mindset is in grave need of an overhaul. B Bhembe