Times Of Swaziland: INTO PERSPECTIVE!  INTO PERSPECTIVE!  ================================================================================ The Editor on 29/10/2017 00:42:00 Sir, “You could be the moon and still be jealous of the stars.” These words by renowned American Country music artist, Gary Allan, have visited my mind a million times in the past week (or should I say few months), as a discredited minority of haters mobilise to tear asunder the person of Mr Victor Gamedze. As a self-acclaimed independent thinker of uncompromising adherence to impartiality, I have been following the hullaballoo around Mr Victor Gamedze; and I have done so with careful consideration of the issues raised in social corridors, while organising myself so that I can make a contribution. I must say, though, that it is difficult to make sense of what is being said and to get the real issues raised, save for some defamation of character based on sheer envy for the man’s success. However, insignificant as we might think it is, it must be tackled because it is a bad practice and, if left unattended, may lead to a terrible culture for generations to come. That a clique has abused a not-so-quality-oriented and unethical tabloid to consistently attack Gamedze over the past few months, must serve to demonstrate what we are dealing with here. First, it would seem that these haters are not discussing anything substantial and therefore, not helping anyone at this point. Now, the danger of allowing such rumour mongering, gossip and smear campaign against a fellow citizen, is that we all fall victims of a culture of insult and inhuman treatment – and, by the way, today it is Gamedze and tomorrow it might be me and you; hence the need to unite in dispelling and harshly condemning these false and baseless accusations of another Swazi. Secondly, it must be known that the man has never been dragged before a court of law on these allegations. Granted, he has a case to answer, why not open a case and pursue it so that we deal with this properly? Why hurt a family that long found peace about the death of their loved one? This is brutal, insensitive and unSwazi (we do not trouble the souls of the dead in our culture). Thirdly, we are being fed with a lie around the man’s businesses, as if he did not work hard for it. Now, we were all there when Victor’s business story started; we know his achievements and no one can take that away from him. I mean, who would have thought that a Swazi (black for that matter) will found a mobile telecommunications company in our lifetime? And what I like about it is that he used whatever he accumulated in business over the years to invest it in Swaziland and create jobs for Swazis here at home, instead of taking it outside of the country or joining the rest of fly by night investors who contribute to high liquidity rate by not reinvesting their monies into the economy. Wasn’t his lotto company a success before it was closed down? Isn’t his football team (Mbabane Swallows) the best in the country; and didn’t it win against the best in the continent just recently – and did we ever think that such would be possible in our lifetime? Who was not there when our national soccer team started to perform better when he was given the chance to lead? What about the PLS; are we not aware of its improved ranking in the continent under his leadership? Surely, when this man touches something it glows. That is the crux of the matter; that is why he is being pursued by the haters. My advice: stay on your lane, make your contribution to the country wherever you are and stop fighting the next person – you are the moon and you will never be the star, the same way a star will never be the moon. Lastly, it would be disheartening to allow a battle of proximity to royalty and Hospital Hill to take such a terrible turn. Fellow Swazis, let the truth be told, and told in full. A lie, no matter how many times it is repeated for it to start sounding truthful, will never be the true; while the truth, no matter how many times it is being suppressed, will remain nothing else but the truth. Just putting things into perspective! It becomes a wanting question where is Parliament and the law enforcement agencies when the law is thrashed with so much impunity under their nose. I remain, Bongani ‘Cotfolwemdada’ Mamba