Times Of Swaziland: DO YOU PLAY? DO YOU PLAY? ================================================================================ The Editor on 19/12/2017 00:17:00 Sir, Play is a wonderful way of de-stressing and relaxing. When we stop playing we deteriorate physically and mentally. Whether we play sport or invent movements as we work and repeat those movements over and over again, it is important to keep moving. This reminded me so much of life; nothing stagnates life as much as remaining in the same place financially, mentally and spiritually year after year. As I cut the grass outside my property I sing and dance and one is amazed at the reaction by a number of passers-by. Some smile, observe one for a short while and move on, becoming totally intrigued by seeing one have a good time while working. Others will hoot and wave to show their approval and others make an angry face, pass derogatory remarks and move on. Normally the latter is done by young girls and this makes one sad for it shows that they are already very worried about what society thinks and says. They have somehow missed out on the wonderful amazing uplifting feeling one receives from doing the mundane. They already take life seriously, being ‘too adult’ before their time and perhaps the reason for the increased pregnancy statistics in the country. As I jog I often dance along my route, lifting my arms, moving my hips and dancing to a rhythm the beat of which is only in my head. Many will openly laugh and endeavour to poke fun at me, but that does not trouble me as the reason I jog is to move my entire body as much as possible thus ensuring that those movements, whether I am moving sideways, straight ahead or backwards, work every single muscle, resulting in me giving off those endorphins which uplift me for the entire day. These movements also ensure that my mind is totally in the moment preventing it from tapping into thoughts of work, lack or fear. During this time I really am not bothered by who sees me or even what they have to say. I am too engrossed in living that moment to let anything prevent me from fully savouring that moment. The same applies when I play with children in my home. It is during play that we forget all our worries, release tension and ‘just are’. Just being is a wonderful state for when we are in that mode we escape from the pressures of life. When we stop playing we lose that competitive streak which pushes one outside one’s comfort zone. When I play sport I get totally engrossed and all that matters is being the best competitive version of self I can be. Find time to play and you will rekindle that zest and enthusiasm for life you had long forgotten existed, which dwells within you, at all times. Become a child again at heart, temporarily laughing uncontrollably, enjoying and living as though you had no care in the world. Dance as if no one is watching, sing as though no one is listening and live the moment always, as though there were no tomorrow and this moment were the only moment you had to feel fully alive. (For more go to: www.inalda.co.sz) Inalda Jorge-Antonio