Times Of Swaziland: GENERATION OF ANGRY AND CONFUSED MEN GENERATION OF ANGRY AND CONFUSED MEN ================================================================================ The Editor on 31/01/2018 00:40:00 Sir, There is the killing of one another; which is sadly becoming a norm in the kingdom. The rape, abuse of drugs and the inhuman acts demand that we don’t carry on with our lives as if nothing is happening. Homes are destroyed, families torn apart, communities are trampled on and there is no place safe to live anymore. These acts of injustice are done mostly by men and the truth is that we are living among a generation of angry and confused men, and something needs to be done. Some say this is a result of children being raised by single parents, abusive parents and so on. Men who are now fathers should just man up and take full responsibility of the upbringing of their children, in all aspects of their lives. These are your children who need you on a daily basis and when truth is told they are your responsibility. By being responsible parents and good role models, the children will be in a position to grow up with good morals, thus making them responsible parents. As a nation can we make sure that we empower the girl-child so she could have her rightful place in society; which is the greatest war to be fought for the girl-child, and while doing this we must not forget the boy-child. Maybe it’s high time we go back and teach our male children how to behave and teach them the value of women, teach them the importance of communication, teach them love and teach them how to become responsible men of tomorrow. W Nkosi