Times Of Swaziland: GOLDEN JUBILEE SPEECH VERY IMPRESSIVE GOLDEN JUBILEE SPEECH VERY IMPRESSIVE ================================================================================ The Editor on 28/04/2018 23:27:00 Sir, I couldn’t help but marvel at the speech that was given by our one and only beloved King. As I said before the Lion has come of Age and has matured like wine. “What surprises most is that “uchubeka nebuhle bakhe” I was so impressed with everything that was done on that day and especially that our PM was no show in this great event made me happier. I wish the King and Swazi Nation a long and prosperous life. I have, however, sat down to digest the speech at the Golden Jubilee Celebrationsand truly speaking I picked up that our King dwelt so much on the vision 2022. I however, share the same vision with the King but I am very scared that it might remain a dream after all. first world status For us to reach First World status there still remains a lot of groundwork to be accomplished and most unfortunately we as a Nation are using one and the same people to reach this goal. Honestly speaking, with the current calibre of people who are supposed to help us attain First World status by 2022, it will remain just a dream. Achieving this could become a reality a few things would be considered. First and foremost, there MUST be a committee in place to drive the whole project of Vision 2022. Why I say this is because it is now becoming everybody’s business to say we are looking forward to Vision 2022. So there must be a select committee that will run the whole project. These ministers cannot be trusted with such a very important assignment as they have continuously failed to deliver. Here we are only left with four and a half years before 2022 and that is a very short time. This cabinet will be living office very soon and the next cabinet will have to take over or maybe start afresh to lead the nation to the First World. They will have a great challenge on their hands. As long as our Leaders will trust these untrustworthy people around them, they will find themselves shot in the foot by their own guns. Our Leaders must do away with the current crop of bootlickers. All the people of Swaziland must know as to what it means to be first world country. Few corrupt individuals Many are still in the dark as to what this means. Not unless we are talking of having some few corrupt individuals being overnight millionaires then it’s a different story. If we are talking of a first world country we have to find a way as to how we reach that. As I am speaking I see no committee set up to look at poverty alleviation, I see no committee set up to look at unemployment of the many graduates, and I see no one looking at the welfare of the poor people. All I see is the self-enrichment perks propagated by our PM. I see no one interested in the welfare of all the citizens. What I expect in a First World country, which we dream of is equity and justice, is the end of corruption which by the way in our country has been embraced as a way of life. What I expect in a First World country is the end to nepotism. What I expect in a First World country is freedom to express oneself without fear of being arrested. The King’s vision It is only a pity that we are not sharing the King’s vision but we are all out to make sure that it doesn’t take off at all. However, our leaders must realise that the people they so much trust are the very same people who are untrustworthy. Vision 2022 is a reality if we could be taught as to what it is all about so that we can all buy into the idea and do our best to make sure that we reach it. If only a few people understand it and the majority is in the dark then it is a waste of time. My last appeal to our leader is to appoint a committee as a matter of urgency to be accountable to him and give him feedback on all the developments therein. This committee must just be for taking the country into 2022 and it can be disbanded after that. Because in the absence of this committee we are going nowhere, and the terms of reference for the committee must be clear to all. I undertake to assist in any way as I see exactly what needs to be done and how it can be done and when it can be done. Otherwise all this shall remain a dream. I am looking forward to 2022. With the increases in taxes and increases in corruption I don’t see us getting there. What we have to be careful about is that when we reach 2022, how are we going to sustain that vision forever? It must not just be a matter of reaching 2022 but must be going forward are we going to sustain it? This country must invest its human resources and all will fall in place. What’s the point of having excellent infrastructure when we can hardly afford to buy bicycles to paddle on those roads? I think it’s only our leader who has this vision and the rest of those around him are seeing opportunities to exploit and become rich from nowhere. This is really painful I stand to be corrected as we sit down to watch our government blundering day in and day out. Khokhumncadvo Dlamini Ka- Zondwako (Ebutsini)