Times Of Swaziland: BOITEKANELO COLLEGE RESPONSE NOT GOOD ENOUGH BOITEKANELO COLLEGE RESPONSE NOT GOOD ENOUGH ================================================================================ The Editor on 29/05/2018 02:22:00 Sir, I have read the response by the Boitekanelo College country manager as published in the TOS dated May 23, 2018. To me this is not a response at all because it does not address any of the concerns that were raised in the letter he is supposedly responding to. All he is saying is copied from the college’s website, and there is nothing new he is really saying. If he can clarify on what he means when he says the Eswatini students were still adapting to the newly-introduced course. Taking into account that this was not the first time the college was offering such a course, one would have thought that all avenues were looked into before offering the course to Emaswati. In any case, what does he mean when he says during attachments, the students had gaps in their log books? Does this mean that when they were doing the attachments they were not monitored? How could it be discovered at the end that there were gaps in the log books? Sicelo must be specific, because him saying that ‘the college is in the last process of certificate production, of which students will be notified on the date of graduation’ is very vague. He must say how long this will take. For all we know it might be something from a week, month or year. He must provide us with specific answers. Akasudlalangatsi wekunene. Nolwazi