Times Of Swaziland: JESUS, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS JESUS, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS ================================================================================ The Editor on 30/05/2018 03:12:00 Sir, As the supreme head of the universe, God established laws for all His people. God pronounced the 10 precepts personally and by His own finger He wrote the 10 Commandments on ‘tablets’ of stone. During Jesus’ visible stay on earth in human form, the leaders in Israel highly exalted the 10 Commandments but they misunderstood the purpose of these commands. Many of them believed that they could obtain righteousness by obeying the law. As Paul wrote; ‘For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God’ (Rom. 10:3). This was the reason why Jesus often questioned, and even disapproved the traditions of the Pharisees (Mark 7:1-13). It is, however, important to understand that although Jesus criticised the legalistic practices of the Pharisees, He exalted the 10 Commandments. Christ said; ‘Do not think that I have come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I have not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever ,therefore, shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven’ (Matt. 5:17-19). Jesus is saying I have not come to make invalid or abolish the 10 Commandments. Rather to fulfil them, that is to fill up the measure of the law’s requirement and to give us an example of what perfect obedience to the will of God looks like. Indeed, Christ set forth a specific example on how we are to live as Christians. Despite Jesus clearly indicating that the law is perpetual, many people are of the opinion that we no longer need to keep the 10 Commandments today. That is a fatal error! Imagine what would it be like to live in a world without laws? People could murder, steal, burn people’s houses, dishonour their parents and no one would stop anyone. Jesus clearly established the perpetuity of the 10 Commandments by both words and actions. It was Jesus’ custom to go to the synagogue every Sabbath (Luke 4:16). In Matthew 5: 27-28 Christ refers to two commandments: the seventh and the 10th. In which Jesus pointed out that in reality, because of the 10th Commandment, adultery includes lustful thoughts and desires as well. Christ magnified the law and made it honourable (Isaiah 42:21). He showed the spiritual nature of the law, presented its far-reaching principles and made plain its eternal obligation. The life and teachings of Christ clearly showed us that the 10 Commandments are still binding. Christ is still expecting His followers to keep them. Though we know that the law is still binding, we also know that it does not and cannot save us. Law-keeping, in and of itself, as an end in itself, will not save anyone. Salvation only comes from the lawgiver, Jesus Christ. No passage gives a person a licence to violate God’s law. Dearly beloved, Jesus, the express image of the Father, the self-denying Redeemer, throughout His life of love on earth was a living representation of the character of the law of God. If He, the Christ, the lawgiver Himself further explained the law through His teachings and His life, as we find in the gospels, we would do well to obey the law. Bopoto Gwinyai