Times Of Swaziland: LET GO OF CONFUSION LET GO OF CONFUSION ================================================================================ The Editor on 30/07/2018 08:24:00 Sir, Look at the ocean; look at the colony of fish moving like they are led. Look at the beauty of the star fish, look at the size of a whale, the teeth of the shark. Look at the asteroids, Broxima, Pluto and Mercury. Look at earth, the different layers of the earth, take a look at the six continents of the earth. Take your time to look into fire, run your hand over the fire place. As if that’s not enough, take a look at creation, the plants, sky, soil and take a look at His masterpiece, the human being (a creature so distinct one would swear it took God a whole century to create.) Let’s take this moment to think insightfully and hard; does God ever get confused in His creation, does He ever get lost in His own creation. Does it happen that He forgets He created human beings, does He forget He created birds, snakes or even small animals like ants. We have had to escape Cyclone Dineo and even Enawo; did God for one second get confused amid the cyclone? A big no, none of God’s creation ever confuses Him. We take after our Creator; we were made from the material that resembles His being. So one is already thinking, are we supposed to get confused as His image? Are we supposed to run like headless chickens whenever trouble and challenges come our way, are we supposed to bump into every wall we come across due to the abnormality of our problems. The answer is a big no! Confusion is not our portion; it should not be part of our characteristics. What then is our solution after His likeness? Setting things in perspective, setting our lives in an orderly manner. Setting the most important things first then follows the least important things. Letting go of confusion is the premeditated conclusion, which takes us back to when God created everything, where we take God’s characteristics which should be incorporated in our lives and these are the characteristics: (1) He says ‘let there be light’ – understanding beings (let there be understanding). (2) ‘Let the brightness be separation between the sun and the moon’ - order oriented beings (putting things to perspective). (3) ‘Let there be animals and plants’ – decree and declaring beings. (4) ‘Let us make man of our likeness’ – multiplying beings. (5) The devil sentenced to eternal condemnation - decision making beings. Now the question still remains are we supposed to allow confusion to boggle our lives on a daily basis or rather we should just let go of it. As I raise my eyes ahead, it’s a long journey, hold on. S S Lushaba