Times Of Swaziland: AT WHAT POINT DOES GOD REALLY HEAR? AT WHAT POINT DOES GOD REALLY HEAR? ================================================================================ The Editor on 13/08/2018 08:41:00 Sir, Have you ever asked for anything from your father and his first response was silence, dejected does it not make you feel. Does that mean you are not supposed to ask him that same day the same thing or rather does it not mean you have to ask him the following day until he gives a response? Then some may question did he not hear me the first time I asked, or did my question irritate him or rather is he sick in such a way that he could not even give a response. When the father does not respond, it takes patience to even have the guts to be persistent enough to have your question replayed in his ears. This is exactly what we sometimes go through or experience whenever we ask God and He gives us no response. It is not because we have posed the question the wrong way or we have used the wrong words but rather the Lord has no definite answer for us at that particular moment. So how exactly are we supposed to pray to God, and which words are worthy of His responses. I have been worried by the way we have been praying ever since I was conscious about the way we pray. It’s like we have formulated a line of prayer, at times we even attach such prayers with the prayers Jesus taught us when he said we should say “Our father who art in Heaven.” Prayer has gone to the extent of becoming a repeated song that we sing almost daily, without change. Then one would think are we supposed to sing a song when we are talking, are we supposed to say one and the same thing to a supreme God. Then the next question would be, what exactly is prayer, how are we supposed to pray. I define prayer as talking to a supreme being that is of almost same caliber to our being. Singing one and the same song to God in the name of prayer may not give us the exact response we are looking for. A conversation needs one to speak a normal kind of speech and expect a response that will be affirmative to the words you spoke. So many people have a tendency of coming to prayer just to request so many things to God with no expectation to a response then they are found moving away from prayer when God is about to give them their answer according to one man of God the late Myles Munro. The Lord says; “They have debates, they pray and they are not answered. They are not answered because they pray the wrong prayers, they pray to satisfy their own needs. “They pray because they want to quench their own desires and fill their own stomach. Then the question would comer come up again “when does God really hear our prayers?” the light is already shining at the end of the tunnel, press on. Siphiwo Lushaba