Times Of Swaziland: DIVINE PREDESTINED PATH DIVINE PREDESTINED PATH ================================================================================ The Editor on 21/08/2018 02:05:00 Sir, As I walk along the road using the path from ka-Hlobile to ka-Mashayitafula, the path looks so unique and easily usable. It is our present day pavement, plated with paves and tar; it has an almost perfect touch on it. Then it has patches of grass towards the far end of the pavement, the design of the pavement gives an impression that those responsible for planning this path gave themselves time to come up with such a design. They considered those who use the path daily before the path was innovated, they considered the population of those who use the patch on a daily basis. Then they came up with something that was suitable and usable for the community occupants and for the tourist. This path was designed for a people more than 100 and Siphiwo was in the plans of the designers of the path. Now if I was in their plans to walk on the pavement, is it proper for me to be found walking on the patches of grass. Shall I be found to be of sound mind if I left the proper and innovated way of walking (pavement) and started walking on the grass without anyone walking on the pavement? Coming back to the topic at hand, ‘A divinely predestined path’, the Lord says in His word; “I have chosen you, called you and sent you, in sending you I have prepared a path for you then I glorified you and lastly justified you.” Why then does it seem to be normal for a human being, whom God had already eternally prepared a path for, be found to be walking in an abnormal and a path which that person was never created for. Why then do people feel comfortable living a life which they were never created to live. A life defined with less humanness, a life of aggression and destruction, a life with less Christ and more of unending destruction. Why then is it comfortable for people to live lives that have no direction when God created a life for each and every human being with a purpose and direction? Why then do people want to live a life of unending fire when God has a path with Jesus Christ as a shield for His children, especially ones using the right path? Why then are people suffering when God has already provided an answer? Why is the evil one devouring us when we can have a shield under the protection of the one who has created a path for us? Let’s all stand up, walk with precision take those calculated risks because the Lord justified and created a path for us and look back from where we came from because its far compared to where we are going, hold on. Siphiwo Lushaba siphiwolushaba@gmail.com