Times Of Swaziland: THE CABINET WE WANT THE CABINET WE WANT ================================================================================ The Editor on 15/10/2018 04:04:00 Sir, Firstly, I would like to thank the many citizens of this country who participated in the National Elections a few weeks ago. While I may not know the exact figures of those who voted, I do believe that it was impressive, which shows that we all are determined to build our own country. Now that the elections are over, we await with anticipation the next men and women who would be appointed as Cabinet ministers and of course the one who will lead them. My plea to the upcoming Cabinet is that they should know that the country is in a bad state. Recent protest marches are proof enough that not all is well in our country. We desperately need a Cabinet that will ensure service delivery and make the people happy. We do not want a situation where elderly people’s money is not released on time because it is such things that make the people become unhappy. We do not want instances where students in tertiary institutions are forced to take to the streets just because their allowances have been delayed. Let us not ever hear of cases where there are no drugs in hospitals. Prioritising What this means is that the next Cabinet should be one that understands the importance of prioritising and putting the citizens first. If the country has no money, let Cabinet sit down and look at issues of priority that should be sorted first with the little that is available. You cannot say there is no money, while at the same time you hire people and allow certain departments to implement promotions. Projects Every country has capital projects, which are key to development but the next Cabinet should know that we cannot do all of them at once. Some will have to wait until such a time when the economy has recovered. We need a Cabinet that will not want to impress by borrowing loans when there is no idea of how that money will be repaid. The country is suffering and I trust that the next men and women who are going to the Hospital Hill will help us revive the economy and ensure the welfare of people improves. Ethen Matsabe Siteki