Times Of Swaziland: BIRTH BEFORE THE RE-BIRTH BIRTH BEFORE THE RE-BIRTH ================================================================================ The Editor on 16/10/2018 04:06:00 Sir, Has it ever happened that you come across a certain situation and realise that situation is not happening for the first time? The reaction that follows depends on how you tackle situations; some would rejoice at the ability to see the future while some would reminisce a dejavu scenario. The wisest of them would want to avoid the worst scenario that would follow, but what is unfortunate about such scenes is that it takes a maximum of one minute. Now coming back to the subject matter; being born before you are actually born, living life before you actually lived. Does it make sense; now wait a minute, let me take you back to the eternally. The Lord says, even before you were born you were a sinner and not only that but He knew me even before I was conceived in my mother’s womb. This signals a confirmation to my suspicion that surely there is a life we lived before the life we are living today. Someone would say Adam came as a door towards us being declared sinners before birth. So what evidence does that give us concerning our previous life because Adam stood as a receiving end of our curses? Let’s go back a bit to bring understanding to those who are already lost. The Lord says I chose you even before the earth was created inside of me. In fact at some point He says I knew you even before you were born. Which means I was once a different being before the earth was created and God had a clear understanding of who I was? Not only did God understand my existing being but He went on to choose my being to be aligned with His being even before the earth’s foundations were laid. Then another question arises, why then did the Lord say some were predestined for disobedience or rather they shall never obey God on earth and that’s their purpose on earth. Now that’s a very important aspect of our subject today because this tells us very clearly that even though most of us could not access the details, feelings and visuals of our previous life but we actually have lived before. Not only have we lived but we have had an impact in our previous life such that some were blessed with eternal obedience and some with eternal disobedience. There is another simple explanation though, since some of our families have been cursed or offered to the devil by our ancestors, when we are born each child has a demon assigned over their lives and governing them towards disobedience, which may run them to their grave if the Lord Jesus Christ does not save them. Some have the grace of being loved by the Almighty God even when they have been born in cursed families, like Solomon who was born in the house of David, which had been cursed because of David’s acts but Solomon was loved by the Lord. Then there are those who are just born with angels guiding their lives even before they are conscious about it until they meet Christ. Those are born into blessed families. Now before your future children are born or present children are reborn, make the right choice. Cover them with a blessing, cover them with Christ, a journey is ahead and He walks with me. SiphiwoJeshurunLushaba siphiwolushaba@gmail.com