Times Of Swaziland: HUMANS ARE NOW EXTINCT HUMANS ARE NOW EXTINCT ================================================================================ The Editor on 21/11/2018 02:43:00 Sir, Let us introspect the kind of people we have become. Over the past years, as our societies have undergone numerous changes, we have experienced vicious murders, men beating women, children harassing, stabbing their teachers and parents, teachers sexually abusing pupils and the police becoming more corrupt, among many issues. We have made it difficult to live with each other, while our lives become continuously contaminated and we have created a world of chaos with rare peace of mind or tranquility. The aggravated killings, robbing, stealing, infidelity and suicides are all signs of human beings’ extinction in the world. However, such extermination is a result of the discrepancy between our intelligence and emotional quotients. We all rely on senses in our everyday lives’ activities. Nevertheless, our senses have become sharper, while we fail to understand the information they collect for us. We collect pictures, graphs and words with our eyes, sounds with our ears, touch with our skins, smell with our noses and taste with our tongues and all of this information accumulates in our minds. Music, internet, peers, books, TVs and videos provide us with a lot of information than our brain could process and comprehend. I mean, it is okay to detect stimulus with our senses, but it is even more important to give meaning to the information entering our brains. If we do not possess any perception ability, then it becomes questionable whether any form of impulse, language, sound or picture would have the right meaning in ourselves. Our fellow brothers and sisters should, therefore, understand that not every knowledge is important and they should refrain from distractive information. It is not enough to have a fine mind but the main thing is to learn how to apply it properly. After giving meaning to information, it ends up that some information demands an intellectual ability for problem solving, proper use of language, and understanding of complications. Skills Intelligence quotient includes the ability to learn new knowledge and skills, extract knowledge from an experience or speech or a book and adapting to unfamiliar environments. People with high intelligence quotient achieve more in education, integrate numbers and words perfectly and can remember information so well and this is the most well-developed ability in our lives, especially in the Kingdom of Eswatini. For example, we have a literacy rate of 90 per cent and free primary education increases the chances to education every year. The most dwarf ability in our lives is the emotional quotient and this gives birth to inhuman practices like intense anger, bitterness, frustration and jealousy. Most of us receive information (sensation), give meaning to it (perception), and learn from it or rather associate it from past experiences, but we act wrongly to the emotions and feelings generated after then. Low emotional quotient makes some people hard to work or live with, easily irritated, disrespectful, ruthless and lonely. However, high emotional quotient enables us to have impulse control, high self-esteem, self-motivation, ability to manage our moods and capability to identify, use, understand and manage emotions and feelings. The fortunate part of it is that skills involved in emotional intelligence can all be learned and developed. There is no reason for killing each other, having two girlfriends/boyfriends, intensifying our jealousy and selfishness nor should we point fingers at each other. All we need is to make love and unity the greatest commandment of all, as it is in the Bible. We need to better ourselves, reincarnate humanity and regenerate the path to our new beginning. If each person can start loving the next person, we can change a portion of the world and automatically the whole world could be filled with love. Colleen Hlanze