Times Of Swaziland: THIS IS TOO MUCH THIS IS TOO MUCH ================================================================================ Editor on 19/12/2018 07:45:00 Sir, Perhaps you did not know dear reader, but in the jungle there lives different kinds of animals that fall under different categories, but basically there is the predator such as the lion, the scavenger such as the hyena and the prey such as an impala. I do not have any problem with the others but the scavenger. You know this kind of animal is an opportunist. It is also lazy to fend for itself and under this category lies animals like the hyena and the vulture. When the cheetah chases after an impala on land, the vulture in the sky is already counting its meal. It is also the same thing with the hyena. Once the kill has been done, it will scare the cheetah or leopard away and then grab the meat for itself. I don’t know whether it ever crosses your mind that we have got our own scavengers in our own human species but I have seen it that way. We have politicians who use their power to take our money and our land, criminals who steal from us, sex workers who lure us with their sexy bodies, and surprisingly the pastors who have also joined in this evil behaviour. Like with the animals, I do not have much of a problem with the others but the pastors. The practice of our pastors using their ordinances to grab money from congregants in their churches is very disturbing. The church of today has been made a money-making scheme such that you wonder if the churches are still God-serving or money-laundering schemes. When you go to a church today the important sermon you will find is success and wealth. The repentance of sinners and the Word of God come last. The financial breakthroughs and the possession of worldly things are now a priority. More than anything else they want to be respected and feared. In my reckoning people should always go to church to hear about mostly the Word of God, not about material worth and riches. Pastors should not close doors and put off the heavenly lights from their congregants in favour of the crass materialism that they so yearn for these days. The church is the strongest of weapons, but like all weapons it works both ways.