Times Of Swaziland: WHEN WILL THE QUEUES END? WHEN WILL THE QUEUES END? ================================================================================ The Editor on 22/01/2019 01:12:00 Sir, Kindly allow me space in your widely read newspapers. I am a citizen who works at the Mbabane Central Business District and every morning I pass by a place called District Commissioner’s office noma ka DC. I think it falls under the Ministry of Home Affairs because a majority of them are usually there to register either births, marriages or births (BMDs). However, my challenge is that without fail, way before the offices are opened, there is always a long queue of nationals who are seeking one service or the other. There are always those who are carrying children, while some sit on the available benches; the ones who come late have to make do with sitting on the grass out in the open. Since forever government has been talking about the decentralization of government services, but it would seem that the DC Offices in Mbabane have all the work cut out for them because it is always a hive of activity. Question It begs one to ask the question if the services offered in that institution are computerized because the long lines suggest that the service provided is manual. The building where the services are provided is also very old and one would ask the new Minister of Home Affairs Princess Lindiwe Dlamini to investigate if the conditions of that structure are still fit for the structure. I have never personally have had to go to that office and God forbid if I would have to because from my morning observations it is clear that a person needs to take a day or three from their annual leave to go and camp at that government structure. With the Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology being under the young and vibrant Princess Sikhanyiso, I am sure she can assist her counterpart in finding ways to address this issue in order to avoid the long lines and to speed up the process. I remember government once introduced a service where one could track if their passports (travel documents) and IDs were ready. Is this service still available and is there a way where the people who also go to the BMD section can track the readiness of their documents through the use of their cellphones? We need to move forward and achieve First World status and this will not be attainable if people queue all day for basic documents. Ngiyabonga Mbabane Resident