Times Of Swaziland: WHEN MAN GOES PRIVATE WHEN MAN GOES PRIVATE ================================================================================ The Editor on 21/02/2019 08:41:00 Sir, If a man washes his partner’s underwear, would that make him a caring, loving and a real man? Or would it tell society that he is under a heavy spell of korobela? Pastor Bakhe Dlamini, in his articles, has opined that if you find your wife’s underwear in a bath tub or lying idle in a sink, forgotten or left by mistake, you should take it and wash it without any problem. You can wash her clothes if she is tired or sick but her underwear? That is too extreme! A good man helps around the house and takes care and plays with the young ones but washing her underwear is a bit ‘repulsing’ and taboo even to the 21st century man. Enemy A man who believes doing that stuff is sexy and a great show of love is an enemy to manhood. A feminine man can do that stuff as some share underwear with their better halves and others just feel comfortable wearing women’s underwear. But to a traditional man, it is ‘disrespectful’ and unheard of to wash a woman’s underwear. Even his inner self would tell him kutsi udlisiwe! I, personally, wouldn’t like my partner to wash my underwear (BVDs, etc); so how can I let my feminine side overpower my sanity? She may be my woman and soul mate, right, but health wise it is unhygienic and perilous! Taboo Sleeping together and doing crazy stuff does not necessarily mean I should then wash her most private things, even if I truly care or love her. And traditionally it is taboo such that even modern men don’t wash the underwear of women. Some may be doing it, but none will admit to succumbing to this extreme show of love. I truly ‘respect’ those men who have the heart to grab a woman’s used underwear and sing a sweet melody; wash their sweethearts’ paradise lockers. Since time immemorial, only men under a love spell have been known to do things that are against their reasoning, that others ended up thinking is normal and a great show of love to take care of those idle, dirty under garments. You can cook for your woman and pamper her and clean the house and do the bedding but no to underwear washing. Real men, if they are expected to conduct in such ‘atrocities’ to prove their undying love, scare those who may feel or want to grow up and act responsibly and follow the route of real men; men who respect, care, love, pamper and cherish their better halves. If society allows men to express their love in this manner, hhayi I digress; loving and getting married to my brown, nubile and curvaceous brown bottle, would be a better option to get hitched. In the modern man I’m at a loss for words! Slow