Times Of Swaziland: BLURRED LINE BETWEEN LOVE, HATE BLURRED LINE BETWEEN LOVE, HATE ================================================================================ The Editor on 12/04/2019 08:38:00 Sir, There is a very thin line between love and hate. Hate is when you want to destroy someone, while love is when you want to make someone whole. These two are parallel yet similar as they both generate strength, passion and craze in someone. In both cases, one person is always in your mind and your emotions are equally high and both have the capability of destroying you. The opposite of love and hate is indifference. Hate and love are active powers - I wish I had a better word as a person who both energises and polarises all the attention and resources in a person. If there are no deal breakers, a person is in love. If a deal breaker shows up, it becomes hate. The object of one’s affection cannot just be the same, it’s more like envy and hate at the same time. Hate At first a person may hate another due to some reason and they come to know that they had a misunderstanding; they feel sorry for hating the next and start liking them. Some really like other people but they hesitate due to trust or because the person who shows hate has inferior complexity that the other person will not, like him or her. Each person may have different reasons but basically they show love by expressing hate. In some situations, a person may really hate the other but they have a soft spot for each other. When that is triggered, the person who hates will then start liking the other person. When we hate someone not in a sense that we want to kill, hurt or humiliate them but more in a sense that we are annoyed by them, disagreeing with them. Really, we are just seeking their approval, in which case, they are already interested then they fall in love. Destructive I believe hate is more destructive and less productive. Love is stronger yet it is not driven because you have a selfless motive. If you hate you destroy in three days but that does nothing but satisfies one’s destructive wants. And if you love, you can build a house in three days driven by the emotions inside you. Both love and hate have roots of selfishness as do all things – it’s basically how the human race has survived. All humans are instinctively selfish; all things have a selfish meaning but often times a selfish love requires selfless acts - becoming less productive and more destructive. Requires Hate requires little complex thoughts or understanding, and it receives support from the selfish ego and clan identification, which is where most people choose to house their minds. It springs up to defend against the new and strange before the rational mind can determine that the threat is real or not and it blocks understanding once an initial threat is perceived. Love requires, which is often difficult, understanding and tolerance of different personas or cultures. It takes work, sometimes a lot of it. Ultimately the sheer number of people who default to hate seems to hate to validate their judgement and they form a clan of their own; pouring out hate as though it were patriotic and filled with common sense. They can’t or won’t see that often as they are not more like their enemies than they are different. Lungiswa Malaza