Times Of Swaziland: THERE ARE NO FAKE WOMEN! THERE ARE NO FAKE WOMEN! ================================================================================ The Editor on 16/04/2019 08:45:00 Sir, We all find that it is much easier to label others, point out their weaknesses and not so good characters than to actually praise and compliment them. I guess it makes us feel better about ourselves to know that someone else is suffering, and even worse off. But what we do not know is that everytime we open our lips to say something demeaning about someone else, or even something good about ourselves that distinguishes us from others. Women empowerment movements throughout the world have been mainly focusing on elimination of patriarchy, female oppression at the hands of men and instead of male privilege, have been promoting equality of the sexes. For a long time, and even now especially in our society these tenets are held as truths. But for now let us to look at how this mindset impacts the thinking and actions of ‘empowered’ women. Framework What patriarchy theory sets up is a perceptual framework in which men play the villains and women the victims. Women are the vulnerable creatures, pure and good. Men on the other hand, are the powerful, overbearing and evil brutes responsible for virtually every societal problem. No man dares to question this perceptual framework because they would automatically be regarded as oppressors and uncompassionate monsters. Questions If a woman questions this frame of thinking, then this initially causes confusion (how can a woman say that?). This confusion quickly turns to anger and she is regarded as betraying the sisterhood or a victim of brainwashing by the patriarchy and religious zealots. A real woman doesn’t call men dogs, or other women bones. Once one is enlightened with gender equality issues, then one should also be enlightened in the fact that inorder to be equal to someone else, then one has to give the same respect to the other person that one expects back. But most importantly, the main pushing factor that inspired this writing is the saddening observation of how women are increasingly hating each other in the name of empowerment. Hypocritical There are words such as ‘fake’ and ‘plastic’ among others, which are being used by women referring to other women. It is hypocritical of us to encourage acceptance and freedom of choice, and yet when other women make different choices from us, then we call them fake and unreal. There are no fake women, no plastics and men are not dogs. If we possess that mentality, then it is no longer about equality, it is about power over the other, and that totally beats the whole point of the efforts put towards elimination of abuse and oppression. Nomsa