Times Of Swaziland: DRIVING FORCE OF WHO YOU BECOME DRIVING FORCE OF WHO YOU BECOME ================================================================================ The Editor on 24/05/2019 03:42:00 Sir, Effective living is a combination of understanding purpose, vision and developing clear thinking. In order to move forward in life there must be an articulation of a clear vision, planning, strategic thinking and cultivating positive relationships. Our ability to achieve something great and significant in life usually begins in the depths of our hearts and minds. Whatever occupies your mind usually becomes the driving force of what you are becoming in life. What occupies our thought life will somehow, at a particular time, affect our speaking and behaviour. The first step to moving forward in life is to learn how to change our thoughts. It requires a lot of discipline but it is possible. Analyse We must first begin to analyse our thought patterns by revisiting different stages of our life history - our birth circumstances, our friendships, the communities we grew up in and the books we have been reading etc. Usually our thoughts are a product of what our growth environment put in us. From our growth environment we can experience rejection and actually possibly absorb all the negative elements of our growth environment. Where and the way we grew up have the potential of affecting the way we view life. Sometimes what we see as reality is not objective reality at all; it might be only a projection of the way we have learnt to view life. It is imperative to change the way we think if we are going to move forward in everything we do. Pain Some of the pain and crisis we experience are designed to align our minds to our purpose in life. Sometimes it will take a crisis to make us change our minds and certain negative attitudes. As much as pain is not pleasurable, it can produce something of value within us if we learn to respond in a right way. We must not wait for a crisis before we can change our minds concerning some of the unproductive beliefs we have embraced over a period of time. Homes are being shattered, communities are struggling, and nations are experiencing retrogression because of people who refuse to change their belief systems. Moving forward demands change, and change may require certain loses so as to affect the future positively. One of the greatest enemies of change, especially change in the way we think, is ignorance and pride. Lack of knowledge can keep the mind in the same state for years. Pride can hinder the mind from receiving new information. A lack of mind changing knowledge can easily undermine or shatter one’s opportunity to fulfilling purpose and destiny. In order to have our thought patterns transformed we must always seek knowledge and understanding. Society is much better if we learn how to live, work and think together. We must love, respect, trust, appreciate and value people. The basis of real life is people and how we connect and relate to them. Wisdom Relational wisdom demands that we treat others the way we want them to treat us. One of the great challenges we have today in society apart from lack of visionary leaders and generational thinkers is the lack of morality and ethics. Good character is a great recipe for productive relationships and progressive nations. C S