Times Of Swaziland: DONORS WILL RUN DONORS WILL RUN ================================================================================ The Editor on 28/05/2019 04:04:00 Sir, I am worried about the way we are handling things in this country and this emanates from a statement by Government Spokesperson Percy Simelane. This forced a subsequent rebuttal by the US Ambassador to Eswatini, Lisa Peterson. The ambassador was spot on; Percy insulted the entire donor fraternity. To say they are a sleepy bunch is just off side and against all dictates of bilateral relations. Since we have a new government that wants to attract investors, people like Simelane must be thanked for their services and a new younger calmer spokesperson should take over; a person who will understand the new mission statement of this Prime Minister Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini-led government. Investors The country has a few donors and investors. If we want to attract more donors and investors, our language and tendencies have to match. The US Government recently gave us E3.3 billion to help us in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Now imagine if they were to leave, can such arrogance give us the help we need. Mr PM please do something about this. Still on HIV/AIDS, another stumbling block is the operations of local partners, I am speaking of some non-governmental organisations. They are a mess. There is one particular non-governmental organisation which is in the news for the wrong reasons. Destroy These days we only hear of it in newspapers for sexual harassment issues, firing of officers, court cases and bad management. Then there is another which is seemingly out to destroy the network for people living with HIV. When did this tendency to be of a destructive nature start? What is happening will chase away donors. What is also happening at one the parastatals is a concern. A whole Board of strong people prefers to keep an executive manager who is an alleged habitual sexual nuisance to his junior staff. No one is worried about the fact that the lady has resigned; they are sweeping this story under the carpet. Mr PM this points to the fact that you inherited parastatals which are in a total mess. Taxpayers’ money is used to pay the CEOs hefty salaries and their lawyers if there are court cases, with Board members smiling away with fancy iPads, courtesy of the taxpayer. We can save millions if we stop this daylight misuse of taxpayers’ money. The easiest mismanagement is always found in State-owned enterprises. Look at our neighbor South Africa, in the State capture probe. A lot is not going right in parastatals. Mduduzi Sibiya