Times Of Swaziland: AN APPEAL TO EDUCATE MEN AN APPEAL TO EDUCATE MEN ================================================================================ The Editor on 25/06/2019 01:27:00 Sir, I’m a young lady in my mid 20s and have never owned a car in my life, well not yet. Therefore I am always compelled to seek transport at the Manzini Bus Rank that will ferry me home after I’ve finished my business of the day in town. Looking for transport to take me home should generally be a simple task of identifying a bus, getting in, and then waiting for it to depart. But at Manzini Bus Rank that is not the case. The despicable and horrid things women go through at that bus rank are both shameful and a serious violation of women’s rights. The acts committed by some men there are an indication of the chauvinistic breed of men which that bus rank harbors. Abuse Men at that bus rank rant out the worst of verbal abuse towards women, they will call you all sorts of vulgar words that I will not repeat. More often your crime will simply be that you decided to board a Quantum instead of a bus that is usually destined for the same place. And if they spare you their rude remarks, they will do what they are infamous for; viciously grabbing women indecently. Comments I will not elaborate on the obscene comments they make when a lady is wearing clothes that are in any way revealing. They will verbally beat you to a pulp with sexist insults and leave you humiliated. As a country headed for First World status, we need a society of men that will protect women and not see them as sex symbols that can just be shoved around. It is therefore my appeal to women rights activists to educate men, especially our brothers who work at bus ranks because evidently they lack knowledge of what sexual harassment is and that it is in fact a punishable crime. Well, until the right authorities take positive action to educate men on women rights, in order to eradicate this barbaric behaviour, we will still be enduring such at the Manzini Bus Rank or until I buy myself a Honda fit. Miss LV