Times Of Swaziland: THE CHRISTIAN AND TATTOOS II THE CHRISTIAN AND TATTOOS II ================================================================================ The Editor on 10/09/2019 23:45:00 Sir, If you are a Christian concerned with God’s will for your life, you should really pray to God and seek His will, and soak up what His words say. God owns your body. As a Christian, you are to die to self and live for Christ. You are to walk not according to the flesh, but the spirit. We have no biblical accounts of Jesus, any prophets, disciples, apostles, or anyone else getting inked. We are supposed to be followers of Christ. Do you really think Jesus Christ would have gotten a tattoo? Seriously, think about it for a minute. Do you think Jesus would sit down in a tattoo parlour and get barbed wire around his arm? Scripture Folks, you are supposed to follow Christ. Think about Christ. To my friends out there who might be saying I want to get scripture or a cross tattoo to honour God - if you want to honour God, write his laws on your heart, not your body. Be a living example by your actions and deeds - not your ink work. Then share your heart with the world. Ink is completely unnecessary (unless on paper). I tell you the truth, God cares not for tattoos but your heart. If you feel that you MUST have some scriptures on you, then get a T-shirt with scripture, or a hat, or a purse, or whatever. If you really want to please God in your heart, let the Holy Spirit speak to your conscience, and help bring others to Christ by your example. However, it is worthwhile to note that many wonderful and faithful Christians today may have gotten a tattoo at some point in their past before they became Christians. Tattoos There are Godly people in the church with tattoos that they received before they knew Christ. Some pastors may even have tattoos, deacons may have tattoos, and just about any Christian could potentially have a tattoo before they came to Christ. Christians should be cautious about passing judgment on other Christians who may have tattoos, simply because this may be a part of their past life. Also, getting a tattoo will not make you lose your salvation, and abstaining from tattoos will not give you salvation. Salvation is by faith alone, in Christ alone. This letter is not addressing the issue of Christians who have tattoos from their past, but rather, whether or not a person who is currently a Christian should get a NEW tattoo. If you have already gotten a tattoo in the past, then don’t worry about it - Christ’s blood covers your past sins when you repent. Reasons If you have been forgiven for your sins, that includes the ink. However, avoid getting any more for the reasons stated above. Dear beloved, have you tattooed Christ in your heart? Have you trusted Him as your saviour yet? If not, then I urge you to repent and place your faith and trust in Christ today, and receive forgiveness of your sins. God loves you so much, that He sent His only begotten Son to die for you and for me. Bopoto Gwinyai